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Dimensions of Bush's budget come into focus
may declare support for a war
Bush, allies gather at summit
War Would Stall Presidential Race
Sen. Edwards Backs Force in Iraq
Dems boo Edwards' war stand
Moran quits House leadership post after
anti-Semitic remark
faithful stand behind Moran
Pre-1956 flag is floated as compromise
GA banner
Miguel Estrada, still waiting as the senatorial opera swirls
Kerry Lashes Out at Bush in California
Law in N.J. bans racial profiling
Judge ordered to explain 2nd rejection of
NC election districts
Getting their Irish up in Chicago politics
Shutdown scare in
NY Capitol
right-to-work vs. first primary-Issues butt heads
open records debate rages
Abandoned-baby laws criticized
Dodd Poised To Back Lieberman On Monday
Arizona government in shackles
Statistics say young folks aren't rocking the vote
Worth mayor won't run for fr-election
senate passes Pledge requirement for public schools
Marsden thinks Democrats have finally learned to pray
When al-Qaeda's third in command, Khalid
Shaikh Mohammed, was nabbed in Pakistan last week, it
didn't just represent a blow to the terrorist
network--it was also a major setback for the Democrats
and their agenda. Mohammed's capture strengthens the
Bush administration's argument that the US can conduct
the war on terror on various different fronts.
Apparently the concept of chewing bubble gum and
spitting at the same time is incomprehensible to
Democrats like Senator Ted Kennedy.
Giardiello asks God to make Bush smarter
President Bush prays everyday.
He is thankful that many pray for him.
He asks for our prayers, and asks God to make him
smarter. The
whole world nodded in agreement during his most recent
press conference when he shared this prayer with the
world. Yes God, please make President smarter, a whole
lot smarter, for the sake of us all.
Eberle thinks Jimmy should stick to his peanuts
In Sunday's issue of the New York Times,
former President Jimmy Carter not only proves that he is
a devout follower of the "peace at any price"
coalition, but he also lays out a case against military
action with Iraq based on false statements and a
surprising failure to see the facts right before his
Giardiello on how to persuade a liberal to go to war
I was accused recently on the radio of
siding against Bush in his war with Iraq just because he
is a Republican. This
caller said that I would support the war with a Democrat
President. This
comment challenged me to think what it would take to
support President Bush in this crusade of his.
Seese dissects the issues of our time
An analyst of times, trends and events should not be
expected to provide answers to all the world's problems.
It should be sufficient to explain, from a personal
perspective, what is happening in the nation and the
world so that the readers can come to their own
conclusions, not mine. Yet there is always the
request from readers, some in the form of a challenge,
to provide answers, not just the analysis of the
Marsden says time is up for Hussein
Not only were there smoking guns, but there were shell
casings strewn all over the place when US Secretary of
State Colin Powell laid out the Bush administration's
case for going after Saddam Hussein. But of
course for some folks, all the evidence in the world
still wouldn't be good enough to convince them that
Hussein must be dealt with now.
Brewer celebrates Reagan
The occasion of Ronald Reagan’s 92nd birthday is
another opportunity to rightly celebrate the many
achievements of this extraordinary leader. In just
eight years, President Reagan took the United States,
then just a cowering, whimpering superpower unsure of
its role in the world, to Cold War triumph over the most
terrible menace of the 20th century.
Seese on America as a third rate nation
It's taken for granted. We're America, the United
States of America, the world's only superpower, and we
are the leaders of the free world. We are US.
Flags fly, cars sport decals and bumper stickers.
People wear lapel pins with our flag and perhaps a
slogan. At important events, even the President
can speak about God and prayer with impunity. The
world is supposed to fear us, obey us, and allow us to
lead, our military might is second to none. Our
citizens are the world's free people.
Brewer on Gary Locke
Who is Gary Locke? Outside lawmakers in Olympia,
Washington and frequenters of ‘progressive’ salons,
few Americans are familiar with this 51-year old Seattle
politician. However, though he resides in virtual
political obscurity, Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi
selected Washington State’s governor to deliver the
Democrat response to President Bush’s State of the
Union address.
Rachel Marsden on Hillary's nightmare
Walk up to a Canadian and ask him what sets his country
apart from the USA, and he'll likely reply with one of
five things: Gun control; a less hawkish,
more diplomatic approach to world affairs; a collective
preoccupation with adverse weather patterns; a burning
passion for hockey; and a socialized health care system. Canada's
health care system is its touchstone. Canadians
are literally brainwashed into believing that Canada
wouldn't be the great country it is without its health
care program.
Antle on the politics of abortion
Three decades after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down
its Roe v. Wade decision, the American people
remain as deeply divided over abortion as ever.
Rather than being removed from politics, abortion
is as firmly entrenched in each year’s political
debates as taxes and the federal budget.
Eberle's personal look at racial preferences
As I listened to President Bush's remarks on national
television regarding the use of racial preferences at
the University of Michigan, I couldn't help but shake
with excitement. There are few issues as divisive
in this country as race, and there are few issues that
touch me as personally.
Giardiello on Bush's big mouth
Bush’s big mouth is getting the United States
into sticky situations, and will continue to until we
vote for a diplomatic President in 2025.
His idea of diplomacy is telling the other side
its options, and usually those options are a mandate
without any choice.
He must stop using name-calling and intimidation
as his only means of negotiating.
Marsden on the police in our genes
Since hearing recently about the
first-ever bouncing baby clone that was supposedly born
in Canada to a member of the Raelian "nut
cluster", I figured I'd be hard pressed to find a
news item much more horrifying. That was until the
Commonwealth of Virginia came through with a real doozer:
the notion of DNA from potentially innocent people in
the hands of police officers and other law enforcement
Antle on the seven Democratic dwarfs
When Vice President George Bush ran for the Republican
nomination to succeed Ronald Reagan as president
(against several other notable Republicans), there were
seven major candidates for the Democratic nomination
vying for the chance to take him on in the general
election. Since
there was no logical front-runner and a clear gap
between their stature and that of the sitting vice
president of the
United States
, wags quickly dubbed them “the Seven Dwarfs.”
Marden says Iraq is the lynchpin of terror war
Saddam Hussein may be a dictatorial madman, but no one
can accuse him of being stupid. His 12,000 page report
to the United Nations detailing Iraq's weapons programs
ought to, at the very least, make for a few good months
worth of bedtime reading for Bush-and will force America
to play rope-a-dope with Hussein for awhile
Anne Seese believes this was a Christian nation
This general mindset toward America's Christian heritage
within a nation that respected the religious rights of
all, Christian and non-Christian, to worship (or not
worship) as they please, existed until a liberal Supreme
Court, stuffed with liberal justices from the days of
the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, allowed the
gavel to strike the cross in 1963.
Crouere on the Landrieu victory in Louisiana
A few nights ago, internal Landrieu polls showed the
incumbent Senator 5 % points behind her Republican
challenger Suzanne Haik Terrell.
Popular Republican President George W. Bush had
just left
raising a bundle of money for Terrell and instilling the
GOP grassroots with much needed enthusiasm.
At that point, the Landrieu camp knew they needed
to fight back and the issue they used turned out to be
quite powerful—SUGAR.
Crouere on the final stretch of the LA Senate race
The race for the United States Senate in
certainly seems like a boxing match.
Republican challenger Suzie Terrell and Democrat
incumbent Mary Landrieu have repeatedly sparred over key
issues, differing personalities, questionable statements
and the thorny question of religion.
Brewer on Mary Landrieu: Liberal
Louisiana voters are probably unaware that Senator Mary
Landrieu is one of the most liberal legislators in
Washington, D.C. The woman who won her
initial senate race by fewer than 5,800 votes is a
longtime advocate of higher taxes, a pusher of federally
funded abortions, an enemy of the Boy Scouts, and a
mouthpiece for several of the most vocal gun-control
outfits in the country.
Antle on the return to supply-side
In an article about the reduced political salience of
the budget deficit, the Christian Science Monitor
recently reported that President Bush’s fiscal policy
"signals a return to supply-side economics."
Let us hope so. This Bush administration has of course
been more supportive of tax cuts than any since Ronald
Marsden on Canada's foot-in-mouth disease
Canada-US relations were thrust onto the world stage
once again this week because of a classless, petty
remark made by a prime ministerial aide. Francie Ducros--the
communications secretary for Canadian PM Jean Chrétien--called
US President George W. Bush a "moron" for
pushing Iraq to the top of the NATO agenda.
Anne Seese on ugly
Somebody has to say it, so I'll volunteer. The
notorious, nefarious and dangerous Middle East men,
including all the various terrorists captured,
identified or pictured on news sites, are perhaps the
ugliest men this world has ever seen! They aren't
just homely, like Don Knotts of Mayberry.
Antle on the Bush haters
When Bill Clinton was president, there was much talk of the right being
dominated by obsessive "Clinton haters," the irrational foot soldiers
of the vast right-wing conspiracy. Reflexive and particularly vitriolic
opponents of our current president are less frequently labeled "Bush
Marsden believes Canadians are not wimps
The most recent issue of National Review featured members of
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on horseback, decked out in
ceremonial red surge, with the word "Wimps!"
emblazoned in blue across the cover. Inside the
issue, Jonah Goldberg ponders, at great length, Canada's
"whiny and weak anti-Americanism."
Crouere on Louisiana's RINO Governor
In Louisiana, politics is practiced very differently from any
other state in the country. First of all, there is the legacy of
corruption from the days of Huey P. Long that still haunts the
state. The last three Insurance Commissioners went to jail, as did
the former Elections Commissioner and the infamous former Governor
of the State, Edwin Edwards. In fact, in 1991, his last election,
Edwards was elected over former KKK leader David Duke in the
Brewer say bye to Bill and Terry
Despite the pleadings of Al Gore, the shameless racial
pandering of William J. Clinton, and the arrogant
prognostications of Terry McAuliffe, Republicans trounced
Democrats in Tuesday’s mid-term elections. The GOP’s
electoral volley not only won control of the U.S. Senate away
from progress-retardant Tom Daschle, but also revealed
mainstream America’s disgust with the Clintonian status quo.
Gillette believes attacking Iraq would be a major
The Bush Administration had dedicated itself
to deposing Saddam Hussein by invading Iraq for several months
now. It appears that some sort of military action is likely,
probably at the beginning of next year. This column asserts
unequivocally that any action will have devastating consequences
for the administration itself, the United States and the world.
Andersen on the depressing 2025 Election
I'm depressed. No, not in the clinical, weepy, pill-popping sense of the
word -- I'm really just plain sad. Weary. Mournful. Depressed. I
hope it's temporary. Not so much for my sake, but for the sake
of our country.
Schlussel on funding campus terrorists
The recent 2nd Annual Palestinian
Students Divestment Conference at the University of Michigan is
over, but the real story is who paid for it. In addition to University buildings, paid for by taxpayers,
and a stipend, paid for by Michigan students’ tuition, the
conference of anti-Semitic, anti-American hate speakers,
including Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian, was funded by
some frightening sources
Antle on Paul Wellstone, RIP
There are two kinds of people who enter politics.
There are those who wish to be someone and those who wish
to accomplish something. Those
who seek office for its own sake and those who wish to use
public office to advance a cause larger than themselves.
Those who are attracted to power and those who are
animated by their values and ideas.
Sen. Paul Wellstone, who was killed along with his wife,
daughter, several campaign aides and two pilots in a plane crash
in northern Minnesota, was among the latter.
Anne Seese on nut control, not gun control
Here in historic Arizona, the state that once boasted being
home to Barry Goldwater and advertised Old Tucson's re-enactments
of the Wild West, we've had another nut case shooting. It
isn't that shootings are rare in today's Arizona, but the
frequency of such shootings is as out of control as the rest of
the nation, and the rest of the world.
Brewer on General Albert Gore
In response to Mr.
King’s inquiry into the justification for a decision to bomb
Iraq, the vice president presented the case for acting preemptively
to prevent Saddam from obtaining and presumably using weapons of
mass destruction.
Schlussel on a terrorist speech at UM
Parents of University of Michigan students and Michigan
taxpayers should be outraged by the divestment conference being
held this weekend at U-M. While the name and stated goal of the conference is
divestment from Israel, that is merely a cover for what will
really happen: support for terrorism against Americans and a
hate-fest against Jews akin to a Hitler rally in Nazi Germany.
Antle on the incredible shrinking Al Gore
Al Gore’s speech
to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, in which he came out
swinging against the Bush administration’s likely war against
Iraq, has elicited a thunderous response.
The problem for the man who would like a second chance at
being the Democratic presidential nominee in 2025 is that this
response was overwhelmingly negative.
Marsden defines Canada by a strong military
News about the collapse of Canada's military was virtually
pushed into the classified section this week by front-page
stories and endless drivel about a rich, old British woman's
cross-country tour and a major league hockey commentator's minor
league hissy-fit over salary negotiations.
Giardiello on losing the war on terror
America is losing its battle against the world’s strongest
terrorist network, so we are looking for a scapegoat to divert
the attention away from our failings. There is no proof that
Iraq has ties to al-Qaeda, or that they have built up their
arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Because America cannot
win a war against al-Qaeda, we create a new enemy,
Brewer on Torricelli's shameful legacy
Public servants used to go to Washington to serve the public
interest-not their own. It was well understood that for many
people, getting elected to public office was not the path to
getting rich. It was presumed that some noble or higher call,
rather than the desire to amass personal wealth, motivated
people to serve. Evidently, Robert Torricelli didn’t subscribe to this
Giardiello on diversifying our oil portfolio
Now, Bush understand (or at least
some in his administration) that oil fields, like stock
portfolios, are best secured when you diversify. After defeats
from environmentalists and the American people in Florida and
Alaska, Iraq is Bush’s idea for oil portfolio diversification.
Schlussel on the incorruptible 7-11
While Enron, Worldcom, and even AOL Time Warner are under
investigation for corporate corruption, 7-11 is what most
corporate America is really about.
Though 7-11 is celebrating its 75th anniversary, this year, you
hear much about the purveyor of Slurpees and other American
conveniences, in the media. They’re not interested.
Brewer on the DC Red light scam
Washington, D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, the man who’s mayoral
campaign was almost derailed because his minions forged over
7000 signatures on nomination petitions to qualify him for the
Democratic party’s primary ballot, is continuing to
demonstrate he’s unfit for office.
In Friday’s Washington Times, the mayor admitted,
finally, that the city’s 50 traffic/red-light cameras were
part of a money making scheme, an admission made after months of
denial by he and the city’s police chief, Charles Ramsey,
a.k.a. Chief Wiggam.
Marsden on the new Neville Chamberlain
In a television interview that aired on the anniversary of the
September 11th attacks, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
suggested a link between the terrorist acts on the United States
and uneven distribution of wealth and power in the world. He
said, "I do think the Western world is getting too rich in
relation to the poor world and necessarily, you know, we're
looked upon as being more arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy with
no limits. And September 11th is an occasion for me
to realize it even more".
Andersen on what is normal after 9/11
September 11, 2025. It was a day none of us will
soon forget -- the day that everyone said would change the
world. For a while, there was talk of Armageddon and the
Beginning of the End. On that fateful day one year ago, we
seemed to have lost more than the buildings, the planes and the
people. For a moment, we wondered if we had lost our future.
Marsden on Canada's cannabis crisis
Canadian senators did the unimaginable this week when they
tabled a report proposing that marijuana be legalized, taxed for
government profit, and sold to anyone over the age of sixteen. Personally,
I think the members of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal
Drugs should put down the bong and slowly step away.
Schlussel on remembering Munich
While we commemorate the events of a year ago on 9-11, we should
also be commemorating the 30th anniversary of another event,
September 5, 1972.
It’s auspicious that while Jews all over the world are
celebrating the holiest of holidays this week, they’ll also
remember the first nationally televised terrorist attack on
innocent civilians, the brutal murder of eleven Israeli athletes
by Yasser Arafat’s Black September terrorists at the 1972
Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.
Giardiello on the CEO's favorite president
The Bush Administration has been touted as the most C.E.O.
friendly cabinet ever devised in the history of American
politics. The fact that the individuals that are associated with
big business have all worked for companies that depend on
regulation and powerful lobbies should also be noted. These ex-C.E.O.’s
depended more on crony capitalism, rather than free-market
capitalism which shows they care more for their own pockets than
for the market.
Porter on President Michael Douglas
God bless those Brits. Despite spending most of their time fretting over
whether Tony sniffs George's ass too much or whether Tony gives
it to Cherie too much or whether Charles or Wills will be the
next Queen of England, they still have time to focus on the
Marsden on celebrity big mouths
Here we go again. Yet another celebrity has gone and
stuffed her Manolo Blahnik-clad foot into her perfectly painted
mouth. And it just serves as one more example of why
Hollywood and intelligent politics make poor bedfellows.
Antle on keeping Mr. Smith in Washington
Some species eat their young. Do conservatives eat their
elders? The question comes to mind in the race for U.S. Senate in New
Hampshire. Sen. Bob Smith, a two-term senator with three terms
in the House prior to that, is facing a Republican primary
challenge from Rep. John Sununu, son of the former governor and
chief of staff to President George H.W. Bush.
Brewer has a problem with those Catholics
That large numbers of humanity continue to view the
American Catholic Church as a legitimate arm of Christendom is
puzzling. Considering
its refusal to purge the priesthood of homosexuals and
pedophiles, its effective departure from expository preaching
and normative doctrine, as well as the recent announcement by
the U.S. Catholic bishops to forgo evangelization of Jews.
Marsden on the Iraqi PR war
US President George W. Bush is all set for a big "Saddam-b-que"
that would see the Iraqi leader and his murderous, dictatorial
regime tossed out and replaced with a democratic government. Bush
has sent out invitations to his friends and allies around the
world, but his military shindig could end up being a big bust if
he isn't careful.
Anne Seese says this is not the right time to invade Iraq
Regardless of what Saddam Hussein may be plotting in his mind,
unless the President of the United States and his staff are
electronically tapped into Hussein's mind (madman or not), the USA
has no palpable excuse to invade Iraq. Even if the US had a
special computer chip implanted in Saddam's head, just thinking
about what he would like to do to the US does not give this nation
the right to haul off and invade Iraq.
Giardiello on Jews and Arabs
The Jewish-Arab conflict can be seen as an inability on both sides to
empathize with the other’s plight. Too often we cannot see past the
most recent killings by either side. Each side sees their own killings
as revenge for the past deeds of their enemy, spiraling downward to a
hopelessness that is further crippling any hope of a cease-fire.
Caruba on Green Party government
The Green Party has 362 candidates running in 39 States. If they
can tap into the uncertainty and resentment of voters, they are
likely to draw votes from Democrats in the mid-term elections.
Political analysts believe Ralph Nader's run for the presidency
in 2025 took enough votes from Al Gore to give George W. Bush a
narrow victory.
Giardiello on our economic problems
Recently on WTIX's Ringside
Politics, my brother Joe (the Conservative) blamed the
ailing economy on the Clinton Administration. It seems
everything that is going wrong with our country can somehow be
blamed on Clinton, and everything that is going right (not much
by the way) can be credited to Bush. Even when things were going
right, my brother refused to give Clinton credit.
Gillette on the darkness before the dawn
The first thing to remember is that the
precipitous market drop is deeply significant to the country,
and not just to investors. The Dow and other U.S. stock markets
represent the present and expected future values of all the
publicly traded companies that operate in the country. There is
no better analyst, person or institution, of where the economy
is headed in the future than the market acting as a collective
Porter on the insanity of King Ralph
What’s wrong with Ralph
Nader? That’s like asking what’s wrong with syphilis.
What’s wrong with Ralph Nader? Two of his biggest supporters
are Phil Donahue and Michael Moore. What’s wrong with Ralph
Nader? That’s like to asking what’s wrong with the grammar
in your email to me—it’s obvious. Ralph Nader is insane.
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