If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

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Home: Political Science: Polls
- Mason Dixon
- Independent polling firm that conducts voter surveys for news media, lobbyists, interest groups, trade associations and political action committees.
- Center on Policy Attitudes
- Non-partisan, non-profit organization of social science researchers devoted to increasing understanding of public and elite attitudes shaping contemporary public policy.
- National Council on Public Polls
- Mission is to set the highest professional standards for public opinion pollsters, and to advance the understanding, among politicians, the media and general public, of how polls are conducted and how to interpret poll results.
- National Election Studies
- National and international leader in interdisciplinary social science research involving the collection or analysis of data from scientific sample surveys.
- OnePoliticalVoice
- OnePoliticalVoice provides reliable and timely research data to political candidates and organizations, advocacy groups, political action committees, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and hundreds of businesses and corporations. YOU can make your opinions known!
- Polling Report
- PollingReport.com is a service of THE POLLING REPORT, an independent, nonpartisan resource on American public opinion, published in Washington, D.C.
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