If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

Polling Report
ABCNews Polls
Gallup Poll
CBS News Polls

New Jersey

Home: Activism
- Boycott the Oscars
- Average Americans BOYCOTT the Oscars and ALL celebrities speaking out against the President on the eve of war. We are OUTRAGED more so than EVER before and will will BOYCOTT the Oscars and any future professional endeavors by any of these unpatriotic, overpaid celebrities will be BOYCOTTED.
- Dear Mr. President
- Letters to the President of the United States of America. A place to assemble and communicate to the President and each other, information and opinions in public forum style.
- Essential Information
- Founded by Ralph Nader, Essential Information is involved in a variety of projects to encourage citizens to become active and engaged in their communities. We provide provocative information to the public on important topics neglected by the mass media and policy makers.
- Founded by Newt Gingrich.
- Petition On Line
- Provides free online hosting of public petitions for responsible public advocacy.
- Protest.Net
- Worldwide calendar offers locations, dates and information for activism, protests, pickets, strikes, demonstrations, meetings, and direct political action.
- The Politix Group
- Organization that promotes political activism at all levels of government.
- The Vanishing Voter
- Site describes the Vanishing Voter Project and the resulting book, also entitled The Vanishing Voter. The project involved nearly 100,000 interviews with Americans to determine the influences affecting their interest and participation in election politics.
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