Marcus J.Goldman, M.D. is a Harvard trained psychiatrist, author of three books including "The Joy of Fatherhood" (Crown) and Kleptomania (New Horizon). He has appeared on Larry King Live, Bill O'Reilly and in dozens of popular magazines including Time and People. His political works have appeared in The Washington Times, Tech Central Station, Men's News Daily and The Boston Herald. Dr. Goldman is married and has 5 children. Saudi Arabia and France: Two Sputtering Flags http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20040426-090538-7565r.htm http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/g/g-misc/goldman052404.htm http://techcentralstation.com/051804E.html http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/g/goldman/2004/goldman052804 http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/g/goldman/2004/goldman052604.htm http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20040601-101401-8926r.htm
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