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Bush's Big Mouth

By Mario Giardiello | Bio

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Bush’s big mouth is getting the United States into sticky situations, and will continue to until we vote for a diplomatic President in 2025.  His idea of diplomacy is telling the other side its options, and usually those options are a mandate without any choice.  He must stop using name-calling and intimidation as his only means of negotiating.  His mouth is getting us into an unnecessary war with the Islamic world, and now with North Korea , too.

            Clinton, the Rhodes Scholar and Master of Diplomacy, put into action an accord that brought 180 countries together to sign the Non-proliferation Treaty.  North Korea was a part of this pact and had no plans to back out of their obligations until they saw the pattern of preemptive strikes that the U.S. is initiating.  Being part of Bush’s so-called “Axis of Evil,” they see themselves as the next logical nation for the U.S. to invade.  It was not Clinton ’s naivete that brought about North Korea backing out of its obligations, but Bush’s big mouth and the fear it fosters across the world. 

To most of the world, there is no reason to go to war with Iraq other than we labeled them evil and we must now follow through on our rhetoric.  Why shouldn’t North Korea be suspicious of the U.S. and prepare for the inevitable war to come?  It is said that Iraq started preparing for an U.S. invasion on September 12, immediately after the terrorist attacks.  Why was it so obvious to them that an attack was imminent?  Iraq , like North Korea understands Bush’s intentions better than most Americans. 

If you still think that the Bush administration believes that Iraq is a military threat to the U.S. and this is all a part of the “War on Terrorism” then you do not understand why North Korea thinks of itself as acting defensively, and not aggressively.   We have always had a tenuous relationship with North Korea , but I do not believe that we would be in the situation we are in now if they were not certain that they were next on Bush’s hit list.  The biggest aggressor is the one with the biggest mouth and the biggest guns, and that, unfortunately, is our very own Mr. Bush. 



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