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Three Debates, Three Al Gores?

By Dorothy Anne Seese
See her personal website:   Flagship's Freedom Log Website

Third debate, and I have seen three versions of Al Gore, one of George W. Bush. However, the real Al Gore always manages to stand up somewhere along the way, all you have to do is listen.  I heard Gore attack Bush for not being able to spend a trillion dollars in two places, but this same Al Gore said he wants universal healthcare and enumerated various other federal programs he would fund and at the same time he would reduce the size of government.  Gee Dubya is nicer than I am, because I would really have been on the attack there!

While Gore presented the most personable of his multiple personalities in this debate, the real Al Gore comes through and it's always "in your face" and pushy.  It's always big government and big spending even though he denies it vehemently.  He managed to duck his real stand on gun control by appealing again to the hunters, sportsmen and rifle owners.  Does this mean all handguns will be outlawed?  Dubya didn't ask but I would have.

There's no question in my mind that George W. Bush did not have the best of his debate nights.  Some political analysts were questioning whether he isn't comfortable with the "town hall" style, but it was noted he generally does well in that forum.  The question is why he came off as likeable as ever, but a bit fuzzy in his responses.  Perhaps, like many of us, he is just sick of it all, sick of disputing with Gore and wants to get on with the stumping.

As far as where the candidates stand, it was peat and repeat of the same stuff we've been hearing all along.  When you have a platform, what new and surprising things should we expect?  Al Gore is part of the administration that inherited the best economy we've seen, but he and Clinton did not create it.  The foundation was laid under Reagan's administration, which was duly noted at one point.

Perhaps the American people will realize that as much as voting for the man for the office, they are voting for the future of America, one that will either go plummeting into socialism under Gore or take the turn back toward more individual and local responsibility under Bush.

This election, as I see it, is more about the philosophy of America and American life than any other single factor.  We have been proud of being a free people, and that freedom would be eroded greatly under Gore's philosophy of government controls.

In the area of education and violence among youths, the "pop culture" came up.  Who allowed this pop culture to take this kind of control?  The people who depend on government to be their nannies and surrogate parents, and a government that takes over jobs that are inherently family responsibilities.  Big government is controlling government, but what it controls and limits are our freedoms and our personal accountability.  That breeds a culture of irresponsible twits.

The choices were probably clearer in the vice-presidential debates than anywhere.  The exchanges in the veep debates were more focused and direct about the gut issues than the presidential debates in many ways and the differences were much clearer as to defense, spending and philosophy of government.

Maybe it boils down to just that:  if you want to know who the candidates are and what they stand for, look at the vice-presidential candidates.

Debate-savvy is a heck of a way to choose a president when the fundamentals of this nation are at stake, and the next president will choose Supreme Court justices who will either uphold the Constitution or continue to rewrite it by judicial decisions.

Bad night or not, George W. Bush still represents what most Americans do or should believe in and that's the free nation rather than the welfare state.  Negative pop cultures arise in the slime of moral decay and personal irresponsibility. 

Let's ask a question:  are we better off morally than we were eight years ago?

Comment on the latest column by Dorothy Anne Seese

© Dorothy Anne Seese, 2025

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