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The Appearance of Impropriety
Supervisor of Elections should recuse herself from hand count
By Joseph M. Giardiello


At the start of the circus that is now the re-re-count of ballots in Florida, Governor Jeb Bush, brother of George W., wisely recused himself from the canvassing commission that he sits on as governor of the state of Florida.  It was widely seen as a smart move least there be even the appearance of impropriety on the commission that certifies the election results submitted by county supervisors of elections.

But now it appears there is another election official in Florida with a personal vested interest in the outcome in the election.  Only this one has an interest in the hand-count underway in Palm Beach County.  Her name is Theresa LePore, the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, and she should recuse herself from the count. 

LePore has worked in the office for almost 30 years.  She was first elected to the position of Supervisor of Election in 1996.  In the heavily Democratic county of Palm Beach, LePore relies on the liberal voters of the county for her job.

Now she has come under fire as the designer of the infamous “Butterfly Ballot,” the ballot liberals are now claiming was so difficult to use. 

Ironically, this is a problem Democratic Party leaders have brought on themselves. 

Whether they really believe it or not, they have convinced the activists among the Democratic Party that ballot design was a major factor in thousands of votes not being cast for Al Gore.  

Should George W. Bush end up as President of the United States, the Democrats will have one mighty big target to blame it on:  Theresa LePore.  This gives her a vested interest in seeing Al Gore win.  She has already hired an attorney to defend herself against potential lawsuits. 

This is not to say that she WILL do anything not completely above board, but why risk the appearance of impropriety. 

Have your voice heard in Florida:

Florida Times Union
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Miami Herald
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Palm Beach Post 
Readers Forum 
Letters to the Editor 

Tallahassee Democrat
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© Joseph M. Giardiello, 2025


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