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Bret Hrbek is a broker in the securities industry. He formerly served as vice president of CNP Action, Inc., a 501(c)(4) conservative issue advocacy association. Bret serves on the board of directors of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation and Freedom Advocacy, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating Americans about the evils of communism. Bret received his B.A. from Virginia Tech in Political Science and Economics. He lives in Front Royal, Virginia in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.       

March Madness in the Senate 3/27/2001
Free Range Chickens
The First 30 Minutes far different from last 30 minutes
Forced Pledge Meaningless to Patriotism
Bret Hrbek welcomes NARAL to the Pro-choice crusade

Bret Hrbek on why we need the electoral college

The Democratic Gerrymander is Over
Judicial Legislation at its Worst
The University's Invisible Heavy Hand
The American Myth:  Duty to Country

Castro - 1; Liberty - 0
John Galt, We're Calling 6/29/2000



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