Bret Hrbek

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NARAL Joins the Pro-Choice Crusade

by Bret Hrbek
[email protected]


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Have you seen the new Pro-Choice commercials on television?

They're great.

This may come as a surprise to many who follow my rantings, ahem, my articulated outlined philosophy and principles, but I am pro-choice.  And that's why I'm so glad that the National Abortion Rights League (NARAL) has finally come on board.

You'd think that a group like NARAL would have joined the pro-choice bandwagon a long time ago.  It's great to know that an organization that big believes in choice.  Maybe we'll be able to get some things done in Washington. 

I'm pro-choice and proud.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to education.  With the NARAL commercials maybe we can finally get legislation, which unlocks the stranglehold the government has on parents and children.  Finally, with NARAL's help we will allow parents and students to choose which schools they want to attend without having to pay for the government schools.  They'll be able to choose to have their biology classes founded in evolution or creation science.  They'll be able to choose to have their children pray before class or not.
They'll get to choose to have their children learn about sex from their teacher or themselves.  They'll get to choose to have Christmas Break or Winter Break.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to retirement.  With NARAL's support for choice, maybe we'll finally be able to allow people to choose to participate in the socialist safety net of Social Security.  Maybe we'll allow people to choose to opt out.  Perhaps people will now be able to choose among hundreds of stocks, bonds and mutual funds to invest their retirement.  Perhaps people will now be able to choose not to plan and save and live in the street gutter.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to employment.  With NARAL's support for choice perhaps we will finally be able to allow union members to choose which political candidates they wish to give money.  Perhaps employees will now be able to choose to belong to the union or choose not to belong.  Perhaps Americans will be able to choose to work for less than minimum wage or more hours than the maximum allowed.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to destroying my body.  With NARAL's support for choice perhaps we will finally be able to choose which drugs to consume or use without the guiding hand or imposing fist of Big Brother.  Perhaps we will be able to smoke weed or drop e without the fear of a trip to the pokey.  Perhaps we can choose to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol at any age without paying an outrageous sin tax.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to healthcare.  With NARAL's support for choice perhaps our seniors can finally choose the doctor outside of Medicare.  Perhaps we can opt in or out of government healthcare.  Perhaps we can choose to save money in medical savings accounts.  Perhaps we can choose with our doctor which drugs are appropriate or not for our children and ourselves.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to what to do with my property.  Perhaps with NARAL's support we can finally choose for ourselves without government permission to pave over that wetland and cut down the trees in the forests we own.  Perhaps we can choose to shoot that wolf that is killing our cattle without fear of the EPA Gestapo knocking on our door.  Perhaps we can choose to sell our own land to the developer or to Greenpeace.  Perhaps we can choose to offer benefits to some employees and not others.  Perhaps we can choose to offer jobs based on our own criteria and not of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Perhaps I can choose to be selfish with my property.

I'm pro-choice when it comes to what I pay for.  Perhaps with NARAL's support, we can finally choose not to pay for other people's food, clothing and healthcare.  Perhaps we can choose to only pay for constitutionally mandated items.  Perhaps we can choose to not pay for other people's education and drugs.  Perhaps we can choose not to support some people's lifestyles and support others.  Perhaps we can choose to be racist or choose to follow in the footsteps of Mother Theresa.  Perhaps we can choose to lead a cult without fear of the government burning the members alive.  Perhaps we can choose to raise a family in the woods without fear of the ATF killing our children.  Perhaps we can choose our own beliefs and ideas without having to explain or justify them to anyone but our own gods and our mothers.

Oh, you mean that the commercial is about abortion?  NARAL and her supporters don't believe in choice in education, retirement, employment, healthcare, families?  How about property, taxes, thought?  Freedom? Interesting.


© Bret Hrbek, 2001

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