Alex Aichinger
Kirsten Andersen
Brent Barksdale
The Cynic
Joe Giardiello

Mario Giardiello

Scott Gillette
Bret Hrbek
Mario H. Lopez
Ramesh Ponnuru
Dorothy Seese
Jason Soter
Brian Trascher


Jason Soter is a regular columnist for Political USA. He studied Asian History at the University of Hawaii and will be attending Georgetown University's Public Policy Graduate program.

A Letter To MY Uncle 7/25/00

The Unseen Consequences of Hate Crimes Legislation 7/14/2000

Coming To A Newspaper Near You 7/05/2020

Vegetables Or Candy? Conservatism Or Liberalism? 6/26/2000

Altruistic Unions? 6/19/2000

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