Hey ... the press is puzzled, the pols are stumbling over their
keyboards and choking on their words because a man got elected
to the presidency of the United States and it appears that he
told the truth about what he would do in office!
Here this guy marches out of Texas, now the former governor,
and the press raked him over the coals for being mama's boy,
papa's boy, a twit preppy without much sense, and it's obvious
they expected him to spend his time in the Oval Office looking
for his lost Crayolas.
All of which indicates our major media press corps isn't all
that bright, and they'd better begin looking for what they've
lost over the past eight years ... perception.
From the time President Bush started his campaign, he said
what he would do if he got into office. That, by itself is
nothing new, because we're used to seeing Bubba's lips move and
slick words drip out but nothing good happens. In short,
we're used to being lied to, smiled at, joked with, handshooked
and rooked and took. It's become a way of life in America,
where being politically correct is essential and being truthful
is, at best, suspect or dissed.
No. 43 has done a "program a week" feature to put
some emphasis behind the fact that he intends to do what he said
he would do ... and it's causing shockwaves around the nation.
It's even possible that civilians won't be able to play on
submarines any longer. Dang ... this fella takes our
military, our foreign policy, our nation, seriously!
Whazzup? This guy takes America seriously? Yea man
... he sure does!
Don't ya know that's got to be causing acid indigestion from
Beijing to Baghdad?
You can almost hear Saddam wailing "but I didn't think
he actually meant it ... why can't I have Clinton back?
He never meant what he said!" Oh yes, George W. meant
it and he let Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon
tell him what and why they needed to bomb Saddam's backside,
Dubya said "yea man I got it ... do it" and 24 U.S.
and British planes did it.
After being Bubba'd and Gored, it just doesn't seem possible.
This younger generation that doesn't remember Eisenhower, or
Reagan, probably thinks this is radical. In terms of
Clinton's "do nothing but smile for the cameras"
policy that left this nation vulnerable to an attack by Iceland
or Portugal, it does seem strange that America-as-we-knew-it
came back so quickly.
The fact that this turnaround is happening so swiftly has
caused a collective media "whazzup" to rumble through
the nation like an oversized ... err ... burp.
In fact, it's so puzzling that the writers are still going
back to Bubba and his babe to get some material to write about.
Sheesh, it's either that or Survivor II. Same level.
Wouldn't you love to be able to peek at the emails going back
and forth between Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt? I would.
Even more, though, I'd love to hear what the editors of the
liberal rags and their reporters are saying in private about
what they're seeing. DOH.
"Hey there's no copy here, the guy is honest!"
The boys in the press room need to go back to Journalism 101,
but don't take the course where Al Gore teaches!
With that, Diogenes blew out his lantern and went home to
sleep til 2025.
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Charge to Keep: My Journey to the White House
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