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By Ron Marr


See today's other column:  Gore’s New Strategy:  Wage War in the PR Battle By Brian 
“Kingfish” Trascher

     All men may be created equal, but equality ends at birth. We are
not all handsome, or brilliant, or imbued with common sense. Some of us
went to schools that taught reading, writing and arithmetic.  Some of us
went to schools that taught “peace studies” and “self esteem
management.” Some of us have ethical values and a moral foundation, an
understanding of the obvious line between right and wrong. Some of us
are raised with the belief that ethics and morals are relative, that
they are antiquated concepts rather than a guidebook towards an
enlightened society.

     Some people visit the voting booth, read their ballot carefully,
and make an educated decision.  Others visit the voting booth, draw
Smiley faces on their ballot, and think themselves witty. Some people
treat their ballot - and thus their vote - as a treasure.  Others write
cuss words on the ballot, blow their nose on it and treat it as a joke.

     Most people expect their vote to count, and rightfully so. However
those who purposely or negligently screw up their ballot are out of
luck. If you don’t take the right of franchise seriously enough to read
the directions, you have nothing to whine about when your ballot is

     In Florida, they tossed out 180,000 deficient ballots.  In Ohio it
was roughly 92,000. Washington State trashed about 30,000. California
disposed of nearly 176,000. Cook County, Illinois (home of Gore
hatchetman William Daley) disavowed 120,000.  102,000 ballots were
either defaced or marked improperly in Georgia. According to the
Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, up to 3,000,000
ballots were cast incorrectly - or turned in bearing the aforementioned
Smiley faces, cuss words and nostril ore - in election 2000.

     These are the votes Al Gore is referring to when he points his
mascara-laden mug at the camera, bobs his head like a toy dog in the
back window of a Buick, and says “All we have asked since election day
is a complete count of all votes.”

     Right Al, you contemptible cross-dressing Vulcan sociopath. That
would be “all votes” with the exception of overseas military ballots,
right?  That would “all votes,” with the exception of Florida counties
that voted Republican, right? That would mean “all votes” with the
exception of votes tossed out in states besides Florida, right?

     This is the new liberal party line. They have checked the focus
groups and determined the statement “all votes should be counted”
resonates with the public. It’s a scare tactic, the exact same approach
Al Gore adopted when he told senior citizens a Bush election would cost
them their Social Security benefits.  Al basically told old folks that
if he lost, they would die. He is now telling uneducated voters that, if
he loses, liberty is dead.

     This, from the most evil, wannabe dictator since Aaron Burr. When
Al says “all votes must be counted,” he is in fact saying “all votes
must be counted until we are able to illegally declare me the winner.”
He is probably the only man in America that asks for a recount upon
hearing “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.” That “one if by land, two if
by sea” thing makes him uncomfortable.

      It is estimated that, on November 7th last, 1.5 million folks
across the country marked their ‘X” for state and local elections, but
left the presidential spaces blank. These are some of the votes Al wants
counted.  In Florida, these are some of the votes he wants turned over
to Democratic canvassing boards so they can “determine the intent” of
the voter.  What Vice President Pea-Brain doesn’t want you to know is
that if a voter left the presidential column blank, but filled out the
rest of the ballot correctly, it was likely because none of the
candidates met their criteria. Their intent was to ignore the
presidential choice out of protest.

     Nearly 100,000,000 people didn’t bother to vote at all in this past
election. I’ll bet, if you asked him, Al Gore would tell you these
people “intended” to vote for him.  He might have some basis for logic
there, for if you’re too lazy and ignorant to take the time to vote,
you’ve already displayed personality traits common to your average

     “Ignoring votes means ignoring democracy itself,” said Al,
apparently forgetting, as do most liberals, that we live in a Republic,
a representative form of government based on the principles of

     “If we ignore the votes of thousands in Florida this election, how
can you, or any other American, have confidence your vote will not be
ignored in future elections.” said Al, hoping to drive terror into the
hearts of those from whom he and his ilk have attempted to conceal the
true workings of the American electoral process.

     Since NO votes have been ignored, this seems a moot point. If you
filled out your ballot correctly, your vote counted.  However, if you’re
still uneasy, if Al’s lies have shook you up as he intended, allow me to
provide an answer to his question.

     How can you have confidence your vote will not be ignored in future

     Just make sure Al Gore never moves into the White House.

See today's other column:  Gore’s New Strategy:  Wage War in the PR Battle By Brian “Kingfish” Trascher

 Join the conversation about the election...

© Brian Trascher, 2000


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