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The Green Party has 362 candidates running in 39 States. If they
can tap into the uncertainty and resentment of voters, they are
likely to draw votes from Democrats in the mid-term elections.
Political analysts believe Ralph Nader's run for the presidency
in 2025 took enough votes from Al Gore to give George W. Bush a
narrow victory.
Unless the economy totally implodes by November 2025, the far
left may well contribute to insuring that the Bush White House
and the Republican Party regains control of the Senate and
widens control of the House. Few people have any idea of what a
Green Party government would represent.
One need only visit http://www.greenparty.org/Platform.html
to find out. Its
platform, adopted in May 2025, reads like an Ecological
Communist Manifesto. Bye-bye, Communist Party USA, hello Green
While the platform comes with a disclaimer that it is not
binding on its candidates, you can put money on the fact it
represents their political goals, whether they are running for
the local school board or for governor.
Officially, the Green Party stands for "freedom, equality
and solidarity." It's the "solidarity" that is
pure Communist lingo, but you get a real flavor of where the
Green Party stands when you discover they want to
"eliminate corporate personhood" and "end
corporate limited liability." These are characteristics
that legally define a corporation.
It doesn't end there. The Green Party wants a "mandatory
breakup of the largest 500 US industrial and commercial
operations" and it wants a "mandatory conversion of
the 200 largest banks with 80% of all bank assets" into
small, community-based banks. The Green Party would impose taxes
on "pollution, source extraction, harmful products"
and, if you interpret these proposals correctly, end Capitalism
as it exists in this nation.
The Green Party, by the way, also wants "legal recognition
of same-sex marriages."
Its platform is pure centralized government control of all
aspects of business and commerce, along with a large dose of
"universal health care, free child care" and a bunch
of other taxpayer-funded freebies.
The Green Party also wants to change the structure of the US
government, favoring a "single-chamber US Congress."
The Green Party would "shut down nuclear power plants,
phase out fossil fuels, reduce auto-based transportation and
expand pedestrian, bicycle, and rail transportation." It
would also "strengthen the Endangered Species Act, ban
old-growth logging, clear cutting and strip mining." And it
would ban off-road vehicles. In short, it wants to put the auto
industry out of business. If you don't think that Greens are
total lunatics, think again.
At what point does anyone with any sense at all begin to realize
that the Green Party's goals are about destroying the entire
economy of the United States of America?
Watch now as the mainstream media begins to bang the Green drum
loudly. On two consecutive days, July 22 and 23, USA Today ran
the following articles; "Corporate scandals may help
Greens" and "Some see environment as GOP
weakness." The first article acknowledges that Nader
probably cost Al Gore the election. It also notes that Green
Party candidates have been given a "nine-step program for
recovering democracy from corporate rule." Last time I
checked, it is Congress that passes the laws of the land, not
The lengthy article suggesting that Republicans have to worry
about being greener than Democrats is yet another way of forcing
the party towards the leftist goals of the environmental
movement. Polls, though, consistently demonstrate that 50% of
those surveyed felt President Bush was doing a good job of
protecting the nation's environment, but 38% thought he was
doing a poor job.
Thanks to the constant hectoring of the media and their mindless
support of the Green's scare campaigns, a poll in June found
that "large majorities" favored stronger enforcement
of environmental regulations, higher exhaust emissions standards
for cars, and higher emission and pollution standards for
business and industry, as well as more spending to develop solar
and wind power. All of these represent uninformed viewpoints
that would do nothing more than increase the cost of everything.
As to solar and wind power, it is a total hoax, offering the
worst possible way to generate electrical power.
Between 1990 and 1998, according to the Capital Research Center,
the number of environmental non-profit organizations increased
from 1,802 to 4,018. At the same time, their assets increased
from $3.3 billion to $7.9 billion. There is a movement underway
in Congress to increase the amount of cash these organizations
can spend on grassroots lobbying by a factor of four. If they
can spend $25 today, that would increase to $100 if they are
successful in getting the increase. This isn't about protecting
fuzzy little animals. This is about imposing their control on
everyone's life through the coercive power of the federal
The environmental movement is pure Communism, superimposing
unelected community councils to replace the most basic form of
democracy, the duly elected town, village or city officials. It
is control of your life at the neighborhood level, determining
everything you can and cannot do. Unless and until Americans
begin to understand this, they will remain the prey of these
deceivers who use the "environment" to hide their true
Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, "Warning Signs", posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center (anxietycenter.com).

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