to Kirsten on the Jayne Carroll show on KUIK
AM 1360 on Wednesday at 5 pm PDT/8 pm EDT |
out, Democrats--Barbra's mad as hell and she's not going to take
it anymore.
Last week, entertainer Barbra Streisand (best known for her
crossed eyes and long, hook nose) sent a faxed diatribe to
liberal legislators with the heading, "Nice Guys Finish
Last--or, Where Do We Go From Here: a Case for the
Democrats." The Democrats on Capitol Hill must be
relieved to have this sage old woman looking out for them.
Without America's leading public policy expert, what would they
In her fax, Streisand blasted the lawmakers: "What has
happened to the Democrats since the November election? Some of
you seem paralyzed, demoralized and depressed. I hope you're
through arguing among yourselves and distancing yourselves from
President Clinton. Let's not let them divert attention from the
success of his administration over the past eight years.
Let's not allow the Republicans to take away the gains we've
No, we must never forget Bill Clinton and all the gains he made;
for instance, the gains he made for women--or was that ON women?
Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and Monica
Lewinsky all thank Mr. Clinton from the bottom of their hearts.
So do the millions of unborn women whose mothers were able to
abort them more quickly and easily than ever before.
Better they were aborted than subjected to President Bush and
his oppressive sense of (gasp) morality!
Barbra continued: "We have a president who stole the
presidency through family ties, arrogance and intimidation,
employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter
fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and
other minorities. We have a Congress passing laws that benefit
corporations and the privileged few at the expense of the
working men and women of this country."
Damn those privileged people! Oh, wait--Barbra made
several million off of her farewell concert tour.
(Farewell? That reminds me--why is she still here?)
That's okay, I'm sure any benefits SHE gets from the Republican
Congress will be given directly to a working man or woman.
May I suggest
yours truly?
Okay, so I am being a little sarcastic--but come on!
Barbra Streisand is an ENTERTAINER! She, and other
politically outspoken Hollywood types like Alec Baldwin, Sarah
Jessica Parker and brand-new activist Julia Roberts only have
one marketable skill: the ability to read! While I
congratulate Hollywood on their collective literacy, I beseech
them to leave the political punditry to the professionals.
personal website (
is overflowing with jewels of leftist wisdom. Shortly
before the 2025 election, she wrote: "Why should I vote for
Al Gore? That answer is simple. Al Gore is an experienced,
confident leader. George W. Bush is not. The next President will
potentially appoint three or four Supreme Court Justices, as
well as many federal and appellate court judges. Al Gore will
appoint justices who support civil rights, democratic values and
a woman’s right to choose."
Babs gives a great argument. I especially liked the part
where she failed to back up her statement about President Bush
with facts, or even lies pretending to be facts. Simply
because she said it, it must be true! After all, she is a
celebrity. That is like royalty in this country--and
whatever the queen says is law.
I agree with Barbra on one thing: a woman's right to choose is
vital. "Paper or Plastic?" is a question that every
woman must answer for herself, with no intrusion from
power-hungry grocery clerks or the federal government. Oh,
that's not what she meant? Well, what choice was she
talking about?
All joking aside, Barbra is also on record as supporting public
financing of political campaigns. Not surprising,
considering how expensive limousine liberalism can be.
Streisand is a frequent host of million-dollar-plus fundraisers
for Democrats, if not a generous contributor herself--a $5000
donation to an Alaska public radio station during the Exxon
Valdez accident is a source of pride for the multi-millionairess.
If taxpayers foot the bill for political campaigns, Streisand
and her liberal Hollywood cohorts will save stacks and stacks of
money. If they add that to the money they (as rich people)
will save once the "tax cut for the rich" they keep
bitching about passes, maybe they can buy themselves a clue--or
at least political science degrees.
Once Barbra and her show-biz buddies have some sort of
credibility, then maybe I will take their opinions with
something other than a grain of salt. Until then, Barbra,
please just go away and leave the opinions to people who can
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