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The Clinton Legacy:  More Clintons

By Dorothy Anne Seese
See her personal website:   Flagship's Freedom Log Website


Hillary Clinton only has to walk down the street on January 20th, from the White House to the United States Senate.  One has to wonder what lies ahead for Chelsea, who's gotten a lot of photo-op press standing beside her mother.

One also has to wonder what a couple of months out of the White House will produce for Bill Clinton, the man who lived above the law while Americans forgave him all his sins and credited him with the American economy built on the information revolution.  It just isn't credible that he will be, in his words, "Joe Citizen."  (We also wonder what Hillary will let hubby do, if she keeps him around.)

This incredible presidential election, left unresolved the day after the nation's votes had been cast until the recount in Florida is complete, reflected the impact of a strong economy on our voters.  As we noted almost four months ago, Americans vote their wallets.  Nowhere was this more obvious than in Michigan.

Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that Hillary has the presidency in mind for herself?  Or a high profile career in mind for her daughter? There's none in this corner.

What can mitigate against the "Clinton legacy" of more Clintons is the economy.  If we recall accurately, 1992-93 were fairly tight times in this nation.  In 1994 the information revolution began liftoff, and thrust our economy into very high gear by 1995-96, carrying Clinton over and beyond his scuzzy personal habits into the White House for a second term.  (Bob Dole wasn't exactly an exciting opponent, either.)

E-commerce companies are beginning to show signs of retreat, from Lucent's notice of large cutbacks to the demise of  The halcyon days of early e-commerce, early E-for-Everything are over for awhile. The economy is, above all, cyclical even though it has defied the normal cycle downturns for a few years.

The question on my mind is:  if we are to have an economic downturn in this nation, with its invariable ripple effect, would Gore in the White House help end the prospect of a Clinton Dynasty? Or would his connection with the Clinton years only serve to prove that it wasn't Clinton-Gore that were the "Bill and Al" of the great economy, but rather, Bill Gates-Alan Greenspan.

One still has to wonder about the women's vote, which apparently carried Hillary easily in her New York senate race.  Just what were women voting for?  More money? Guaranteed abortion on demand rights? Did women have a single issue in mind for a more moral America in which o raise children?  Did the Jewish people just wink at her past record? In an election like this, we only know that the pocketbook controlled the thinking.

When the pocketbook is down to coins, and everyone has to have a pet tree, then what?

Comment on the latest column by Dorothy Anne Seese

© Dorothy Anne Seese, 2025


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