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Home -> Political Parties -> National Parties -> Other National Party Organizations

New.gif (1247 bytes)Students for the Constitution party - A web site devoted to students who want a conservative alternative to the current political parties.

Major Third Parties

Green Parties of North America - We're using both electoral politics and direct action to work for peace, environmental sanity, real democracy, and social justice, all over the world. We're building political parties that seek consensus rather than passing down orders from the top, and we're getting good people elected.

Libertarian Party - Libertarians believe in the American heritage of liberty, enterprise, and personal responsibility. Libertarians recognize the responsibility we all share to preserve this precious heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Natural Law - The Natural Law Party stands for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics, and proven solutions designed to bring national life into harmony with natural law.

Peace and Freedom Party - The Peace and Freedom Party has been on the California ballot for 30 years, consistently standing for the rights of working class people, of minorities, and of women, and consistently fighting U.S. military intervention throughout the world.

Reform Party - Welcome to the official website of the Reform Party of the United States of America! We are a volunteer organization devoted to leaving a better future for our children and our grandchildren, by creating a third political choice.
Reform Party National College Organization - The National College Reform Party was founded by college students for college students.  We have college chapters throughout the country.

US Taxpayers Party -  If you would like to see "principle in politics" replace "politics as usual" you have come to the right place!

Other Parties

The American Party - Members of the American Party believe that the original Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights were prepared and adopted by men acting under inspiration from Almighty God. That they are solemn compacts between the people of the states of this nation which all officers of government is under oath to obey, and that the eternal moral laws expressed therein must be adhered to or individual liberty will perish.

American Reform Party - Since our founding convention in October, 1997, the ARP has progressively worked to expand our reform network. We have established an organization and a political committee that is democratic, "grassroots," bottom-up
controlled and dedicated to the same principles that we all believed in back in 1992 and '96. Ross Perot was certainly our founding father, but he has become a "special interest" all of his own.

America's Party - Less government is better government  Government should not exist only to see how much money it can get out of you.  Your elected representatives must have integrity, respresent you and be moral and honest.

Communist Party USA
Young Communists League

The Constitution Action Party - A Majority Party for the 21st Century CAP is a new political party arising out of the ashes of the two major parties.

The Constitution Party
Students for the Constitution party - A web site devoted to students who want a conservative alternative to the current political parties.

Democratic Socialists of America

Family Values Party

For Folk and Fatherland - The Fuckin Nazi Party

Freedom Socialist Party

Independent American Party - If ever there were a time for a wake up call within the rank and file of the Republican Party, it is here and now. Surely, there is a gnawing feeling emerging that the party falls woefully short of offering a legitimate and principled alternative.

Labor Party

Libertarian Party Student Organizations - contact information is for Libertarian groups associated with colleges, universities, and high schools.

Light Party - THE LIGHT PARTY is a synthesis of the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green Parties. Together, Through The Law Of Synergy, We Have An Unprecedented Opportunity Now To Co-Create "Health, Peace And Freedom For All"... We urge you now to consider our programs, and co-create with us A New Reality where "Health, Peace, and Freedom for All" prevails.

New Party - The New Party is a progressive political organization taking root around the U.S. By starting small and thinking long-term, we're building a multi-racial, lively and creative political organization that can, over time, break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over our political process.

Pansexual Peace Party

The Patriot Party - an experiment.  Pro-third partyists who had become politically active through the Perot '92 campaign and independents based among what have been traditionally Democratic Party and liberal constituencies -- African Americans, Hispanics, gays and progressives -- came together in hopes of creating a new party.

Progressive Labor Party - Hear The PLP Singers sing the Communist classics The Internationale and Bella Ciao and read the latest defense of Stalin.

Prohibition Party

Puritan Party - We believe in a government truly of the people, by the people, for the people which insures political, economic, and social justice for all human beings through our Constitution.

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Labor Party - site includes facts about the SLP's history, its revolutionary principles and program, a definition of socialism, an SLP local directory and information about Daniel De Leon.

Socialist Party USA - The Socialist Party strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community. The Young People's Socialist League  -   The Young People's Socialist League, or YPSL (pronounced "yip-sel"), is the nation-wide youth wing of the Socialist Party USA.
Young Socialist Club University of Pittsburgh

Southern Party - This party's central purpose will be to secure good government and self-determination for all the people of the South by seeking independence.

The 3rd Party - a viable alternative to the two major political parties by building a sound platform from scratch and promote public awareness and interest in national politics, particularly in the Office of the President.

The United States Pacifist Party (USPP) - is designed to give expression within a democratic, electoral context to the belief that military power profoundly contradicts many religious and philosophic principles, and is a practical mistake in our time.