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Ralph Nader - The Nader 2000 campaign will take on the ballot-shielded two-party duopoly of Tweedledum and Tweedledee and give voice not only to regular voters, but to the half of all eligible voters who do not vote because they do not believe their vote means anything.

Johnson, Arthur - independent candidate.

Peterson, Ivan - Considering running for the presidency of the USA as a write in candidate. 

Harry Browne - Libertarian for President.
Harry Browne on the Issues - excerpts from speeches, news stories, press releases, and other sources, plus personal background information.

Reform Party
Buchanan Brigade - official internet headquarters.
Pat Buchanan for President in 2000 Link
Pat Buchanan on the Issues - excerpts from speeches, news stories, press releases, and other sources, plus personal background information.
Young Republican's Buchanan 2000 Site - endorsed by a high school senior.

Lacasse, Russell A. - A 40 year old, family man, a small business owner and candidate for the highest political office in the world's greatest nation.

Williams, Storm - Over the last thirty years, we have consistently elected officials who only pursue their own agendas instead of the agenda of We The People. We have allowed our nation to become no more than a Flag Of Convenience for international corporations. The flow of money from corporations, lobbyists, Political Action Committees, and special interest groups to our elected officials MUST stop. And the only way for We The People to stop it is to vote wisely.

Ross Perot

Ross Perot - Official world wide web site.
Perot 2000 - supporter site.
Perot Periodical, The - an independent, unauthorized quarterly that tracks Ross Perot, the United We Stand America movement, and the larger phenomenon of independents in politics.

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