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Home > Political Parties > National Parties > National Republican Party Organizations

New.gif (1247 bytes)Ronald Reagan GOP Presidential Task Force - We present the real political news, free of any liberal bias. Whether it is a sending out our Reagan postcards, using our interactive comments page, forwarding our email newsletters or helping us build a grassroots network on the Web to rival the one President Reagan built in the 1980's; we give you the power to make a difference.  Presented by the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Republican Party - Republican National Committee
The Republican Leadership Council  - The Republican Leadership Council was formed in 1997 by leading Republicans throughout the country concerned that the Republican Party is being increasingly defined by the actions of an intolerant vocal minority that divides the GOP.
Republican Mainstream Committee - The Republican Mainstream Committee is working through organized grass roots activism in the states to expand the Republican Party's appeal to centrist, women, independent, young and minority voters, and to elect sensible candidates to public and Party office.
Republican Liberty Caucus
National Republican Congressional Committee
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Republican Governors Association
Republican Mayors and Local Officials
National Federation of Republican Women
College Republican National Committee
Republicans Abroad - The International outreach program of the Republican Party. Formed in 1978, it currently represents over 6 million US citizens who live overseas.