Home > Candidates > By State > Michigan Political Candidates

U.S. Senate
Spence Abraham Senate 2000 - Republican incumbent.

Tom Ness, Green for U.S. Senate
Debbie Stabenow - Democratic candidate.

U.S. Congress

Byrum For Congress (8th CD) - Dianne Byrum, Democratic candidate from the 8th Congressional District.
Joseph Dizhazy for Congress
Ehlers For Congress (3rd CD) - Vern Ehlers, incumbent for the 3rd CD of Michigan. 

Ferguson for Congress (3rd CD) - 3rd Congressional District of Michigan.  Our government requires input from all people and is in fact made up of our collective voice.  I believe that we are in a unique position to represent the ever changing concerns of our community.
Richard Friend, Libertarian for Congress
Dick Gach for Congress
Carlos Iovannitti for Congress
Lowndes, Reform for Congress
Lynn Rivers for Congress (D)
Rogers for Congress
Bob Sherman, Reform for Congress
Nick Smith for Congress
Upton for All of Us
Chuck Yob for Congress - Republican

State Candidates
Muhammad Abdullah for State Rep.
- Informative site to encourage you to vote for Muhammad Abdullah.
Committee to Elect State Rep. Lauren M. Hager
State Senator Dave Jaye (R-12)
State House Speaker Charles Perricone (R -  61)
Kenneth Johnson for State Representative (23rd Dist)
Cunningham For Recorder's Court Judge

Local Candidates

George Ward for Wayne County Prosecutor



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