Home > Candidates > By State > Indiana Political Candidates

U.S. Senate
David Johnson - Democratic candidate.
Re-elect Dick Lugar (R) to the U.S. Senate - Incumbent U.S. Senator.
Albert Barger for U,S. Senate (L)
Larry Evans, J.D., (Natural Law Party)

U.S. Congress
Na'llah Ali, Libertarian for Congress - Joint campaign site for Libertarian congressional candidates Joe Hauptmann in Indiana's 6th district and Na'Ilah Ali in Indiana's 10th district.
Bailey for Life 2000
Scott Benson, Libertarian for Congress
Julia Carson (D) for Congress
Chris Chocola for Congress
Bill Frazier for Congress
Greg Goodnight (D) for Congress
Darin Greisey for Congress
Joe Hauptmann, Libertarian for Congress - Joint campaign site for Libertarian congressional candidates Joe Hauptmann in Indiana's 6th district and Na'Ilah Ali in Indiana's 10th district.
Brian Kerns for Congress
Hostettler for Congress

Christopher Nelson, Libertarian for Congress
Mike Pence (R) for 2nd District Congressman
Dr. Paul Perry (D-8th District) for Congress
Jack Reynolds (R) for Congress - 1st District
Joe Rock, Jr. (D) for Congress - 2nd District
Mark Souder for Congress
Pete Visclosky for Congress

State Candidates

Terry Boesch, Independent for Governor
Horning for Governor (L)

David McIntosh (R) for Governor
Frank O'Bannon for Governor

Paul Wilson, Governor, Natural Law Party

Duane Dedelow for Lt. Governor - Republican
Joe Kernan for Lt. Governor - Democrat

Rick Crawford for Lt. Governor, Natural Law Party

Karen Freeman-Wilson for Attorney General

Jack Baldwin, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Natural Law Party

Joe Baugh, Libertarian for State Rep - 46th



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