
Home > Candidates > By State > Illinois Political Candidates

U.S. Congress
Baker for Congress
Reelect Judy Biggert for Congress
Brent Christensen (D) for Congress
Jeff Cooper (D) for Congress - 20th District
Driscoll for Congress - 9th District
Lane Evans for Congress
Denny Hastert for Congress (14th CD) - House Speaker from the 14th Congressional District of Illinois.
Hippie for Congress
Henry Hyde for Congress (6th CD) - House impeachment manager runs for reelection.
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. - Political information about what's going on in Washington and what we as a people should be aware of.

Tim Johnson (R) for Congress - 10th District
Elect Mike Kelleher (D) to Congress - 2000
Mark Kirk (R) for Congress
Congressman Manzullo's Campaign Website (16th CD)
John Porter for Congress (10th CD)
Pressl for Congress Illinois 8th CC
Bobby Rush (D) for Congress
John Shimkus for Congress (20th CD) - Incumbent from the 20th Congressional District.

Jim Stevenson for Congress

State Candidates
State Senator Terry Link (D-30th District)
Tod Satterthwaite (D) for 103rd Rep District

Chub Conner for State Representative - 104th IL Dist. - Chub Conner for State Representative, 104th Illinois District.


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