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Home > Issues > Environment > Global Warming

BIOCAP Canada Foundation - Network of Canadian researchers dedicated to exploring options for meeting the challenges of climate change.
Campaign ExxonMobil - Religious shareholder initiative to compel Exxon to take responsibility for its role in the problem of global warming and to make a serious commitment to the development of sustainable solutions.
Center for Environmental Information - Promoting understanding, communication and action on local issues and the global climate change crisis.
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change - Non-profit organization interprets and disseminates current peer-reviewed science dealing with the effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels on the biosphere.
Climate Protection Solutions (CPS) - Resource centre of success stories, opportunity areas, tools, and resources on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) - Launched by IEA/OECD countries to foster international co-operation for accelerated development and diffusion of climate-friendly technologies and practices for all activities and greenhouse gases. 
The Environment Site - Make automatic donations to help CO2 reductions and global warming. Donations paid for by their sponsors.
Global Change - A review of climate change and ozone depletion.
Greenpeace: Climate Crisis - Campaign against human-induced climatic change, caused by steadily escalating emissions of the so-called greenhouse gases.
Global Warming Central - Comprehensive site covering the debate, with news and updates; key experts, documents, and treaties; discussion and other resources.
Global Warming International Center - Disseminates information on global warming science and policy, serving governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industries in more than 120 countries.
Global Warming Information Page - Project of the Cooler Heads Coalition, formed to dispel the myths of global warming by exposing flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis.
Global Warming International Center - Disseminates information on global warming science and policy, serving governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industries in more than 120
Global Warming Skeptic's Page - Essays and links to information critical of global warming claims.
Green House Network - Dedicated to public education about the dangers of climate change, and the need for urgent action to halt global warming.
Greening Earth Society - Believes that humankind's industrial evolution is good, and using fossil fuels to enable our economic activity is as natural as breathing.
Make Your Voice Heard - Opposing the United Nations Rio Treaty on climate control. Offers a space for you to contact your local congressperson with your opinion.
Ozone Action - Non-profit public interest organization focused exclusively on two atmospheric threats: global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion.
Weathervane - A digital forum on global climate policy.