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Global Warming

Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research - studies physical, biological and social processes of the Arctic that interact with the Earth system, and their relationship to global change.
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - CICERO - multi-disciplinary approach to the climate change issue.
ECO Climate Action Network Newsletter - newsletter of the Climate Action Network, an international group of environmental organizations. ECO is published at United Nations climate meetings such as the Climate Convention talks, where an issue is produced every day or so during the UN meeting.
Global Climate Change - educational site on global climate change issues with sections on GCC science, definitions, acronyms, chronology, links, newsletters, advanced technology,
country-studies, and more.
Glossary of Climate Change Terms - from the EPA Global Warming site.
Reporting on Climate Change - information from the National Safety Council.
State of the Climate - features a Macromedia Flash introduction to climate change and includes a report and public opinion poll just released by WWF on climate change.
U.S. Department of Energy Climate Challenge Information
University of East Anglia - Climatic Research Unit - concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change.