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Bloody Olympics, Spielberg Pander to Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel | Bio
[email protected]

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What do the Olympics and Steven Spielberg have in common?

They pander to terrorists.

Spielberg was set to begin filming his latest project -- a flick about the massacre of Israel’s Olympic athletes at the 1972 Munich Games by Palestinian terrorists and Israel’s operation “Vengeance” to track down and kill those terrorists. The project was based on the novel of the same name by Canadian writer George Jonas.

But, according to the New York Post, Spielberg “postponed” the production indefinitely because he didn’t want to anger and incite terrorists.

Since this sounds like what it is -- sucking up to the worst scum in our world -- Spielberg’s spokesman is denying it and covering it up, claiming the delay is the script pages, “which get to Steven almost every day.”

Right. While “Steven’s” sensitivity is touching, if you believe that, I have a bridge over Munich to sell you.

The New York Post got it right.

With the Olympics set to begin today in Athens, Spielberg is just the latest entertainment figure to subscribe to the political correctness that makes us ever weaker in the face of terror.

Dare expose or denounce terrorists -- especially Muslim terrorists, who comprise the vast majority of the lot-- and you are an apostate.

The Olympics and its International Olympic Committee (IOC)--both largely funded by millions in U.S. taxpayer dollars--are the ultimate monument to this shameful behavior.

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Spielberg isn’t the only party who won’t let us remember the outrageous, preventable September 5, 1972 slaughter of 11 Israeli Olympians and coaches by Yasser Arafat’s Black September terrorists at the Munich Games. At the time, the Games didn’t stop—blaspheming the memories of the innocent, murdered athletes before rigor mortis had even set in.

The bloody Games must go on.

To date, the IOC refuses to allow any memorial to these athletes who gave their lives for this “holy” commercial extravaganza, which today might be called the BALCO Games (in honor of the steroid producer who seems to be unofficial chief sponsor).

At the 2000 Sydney Summer Games, IOC officials loudly disavowed any connection to a memorial to the slain Israeli athletes, and worse, denounced the memorial. At the 1996 Atlanta Games, the IOC refused to organize a commemorative ceremony for the slain athletes, lest the Olympics dare offend the new Palestinian Olympic Team. (Unlike the rest of the world, the IOC already recognizes “Palestine” as a state.)

“It’s not the IOC’s policy to stage special ceremonies,” IOC director general Francois Carrard told USA Today.

Not surprisingly, that’s a lie. At the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, the IOC spent lavishly on an exorbitant Alvin Ailey choreographed dance tribute to memorialize the late Olympic Gold Medalist Florence Griffith “Flo-Jo” Joyner—even though, unlike the murdered Israeli athletes, her death was not Olympic- or even sports-related.

In contrast to the dead Israelis who still have no Olympic memorial or any Olympic recognition whatsoever, the IOC and the rest of the world consistently worships and sacrifices at the alter of the terrorists who murdered them.

Just months after he masterminded the murder of the Israeli athletes, Arafat and his Palestinian terrorists were rewarded with an official Palestinian mission to the United Nations. Terrorism pays.

As if it’s not bad enough that there is now an official Olympic delegation for the contingent whose leader coordinated the murder of an entire delegation in 1972, the Olympics practices ethnic apartheid against the successors of that murdered delegation.

Because Arabic countries and the Palestinian contingent don’t want the “embarrassment” of playing and possibly losing to Israeli teams, the IOC forces Israel to play in regional qualifying playoffs outside its region—against European teams—for virtually every sport in which it participates.

The bloody show must go on.

The Games have a history of pandering to the worst malefactors in the international “community,” to the point of absurdity.

Today, it’s Islamic terrorists. Yesterday, it was the Nazis.

In 1936, Jewish athletes were banned from the Games in deference to the Third Reich.

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American Jewish athletes, like late track star and New York sports announcer Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller, were pulled from the U.S. 400-meter relay team at the Berlin Olympics rather than embarrass Hitler if they won. A concentration camp was being built contemporaneously with the “Nazi Olympics.” Two days after the games, Capt. Wolfgang Fuerstner, a German army officer who built the Olympic village committed suicide. He was dismissed from the military for having Jewish blood, according to the Aug. 20, 1936 New York Times. American newspaper headlines, on display at Washington’s U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, showed the true “Olympic spirit”: “Olympics Leave Glow of Pride in the Reich.”

Some things never change. Today the Games show the glow of Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaida, and the butchers of the 1972 games. American athletes are warned against “exuberant” flag-waving and celebrations if they win medals. Syria--where Jamil Al-Gashey, the only surviving terrorist of the 1972 massacre, lives freely and under government protection--has an official Olympic delegation. The bloody games must go on.

The left-wing, politically correct agenda pervades every aspect of the Games. Cuban athletes, like divers Arturo Miranda and Rio Ramirez, weren’t allowed to compete in the 2000 Atlanta Games for democratic countries (Canada and the U.S.) to which they defect to live free, because Cuba objected. Despite severe human rights abuses and slavery by Communist China, it was awarded the 2008 Summer Games, to the shameless praise of IOC members. In 2002, IOC President Jacques Rogge implored President Bush to declare a military truce with Afghanistan during the Winter Games, as if a sporting event is more important than rooting out terrorism.

Despite featuring rifles in several Olympic sports and featuring official sponsors of products such as condoms, the IOC said it will never allow an official gun or rifle sponsor. The IOC says it wants to avoid politics.

That’s a first.

Debbie Schlussel is a political commentator and attorney. Join her fan club or discussion group.







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