Home > Candidates > By State > Minnesota Political Candidates

U.S. Senate
Grams 2000 - Incumbent Republican US Senator.

Mike Ciresi (DFL)
James Gibson (Reform)
Jerry Janezich (DFL) for U. S. Senate
Steve Kelley (DFL)
David Lillehaug for US Senate - Former U.S. Attorney David Lillehaug is seeking the DFL Party nomination to become Minnesota's next United States Senator, replacing Republican Rod Grams.
Dr. Steve Miles for US Senate - seeking DFL endorsement in the year 2000 to run against Rod Grams. This site is the place to learn about Steve's life and his values, and about the differences between Steve and Rod Grams.
Erik Pakieser, Libertarian for U.S. Senate
Rebecca Yanisch

U.S. Congress
Steve Novak for Congress
Chris Coleman for Congress
Aleta Edin for Congress
Linda Runbeck (R) for Congress
Betty McCollum (DFL) for Congress
Mark Kennedy (R) for Congress - 2nd District
Mary Jo McGuire (DFL), 4th District
Gil Gutknecht for the First District
John Kline (R), 6th District
Mary Rieder (DFL), 1st District
3rd. Dist. Rep. Jim Ramstad (R)
8th Dist. Rep. Jim Oberstar (DFL)
6th Dist. Rep. Bill Luther (DFL)
David Minge (DFL-2d Dist.)
Ben Thompson for Congress (2nd CD) - Still honoring the words from the Declaration of Independence.

State Candidates
State Rep. Jim Seifert (R-57A)



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