Home > Candidates > By State > Georgia Political Candidates

U.S. Senate
Senator Paul Coverdell - Incumbent U.S. Senator from Georgia.

U.S. Congress
Bob Barr for Congress - 7th District
Sanford Bishop for U.S. Congress 2000

Saxby Chambliss (R) for Congress
Brett DeHart (D) for Congress - 2000
Dylan Glenn for Congress
Re-elect Johnny Isakson (R) to Congress
Roger Kahn (D) for Congress (District 7); 2000
John Linder for Congress (11th CD) - Republican Candidate, Georgia's New 11th District.  Straight Talk, Honest Leadership.
Littman for Congress
Charles Norwood (R) for Congress
Sunny Warren for Congress (4th CD) - campaign for the Georgia 4th Congressional District. Jim Williams (D) for Congress - 7th

State Candidates
Dale Ritchey for Georgia State House



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