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Home -> Issues -> Affirmative Action -> White Nationalism

American Nationalist Union - the largest political organization in America promoting nationalism. The ANU is a group of
Americans who seek to influence the political process by making nationalist solutions to America's problems better known and accepted.  The ANU is not affiliated with any political party.
Council of Conservative Citizens - Today's white American faces a frightening and uncertain future. As his race falls from majority to minority status, he often fears losing his place in the world.  All around him, persons of other races raise the flags of their mother nations, adorn themselves with traditional costumes, and celebrate ancient and invented holidays as expressions of their ethnicity: generally, he has no one flag to raise except the Stars and Stripes.
David Duke Homepage - The official site for David Duke
The Library: A Learning Center for all Gentiles Uniting Against the Jewish Conspiracy - The purpos of this web site is a non-violent solution to the current problem of the jewish endevours to enslave all the non-jew (gentiles) of the world. It seeks to promote a greater understanding between non-jews (gentiles) and jews.
NAAWP - In case you are not familiar with our organization, we are a non-violent civil rights organization demanding: 1) equal rights for all.  Special privileges for none. 2) Multiply the criminal justice system and police by five. 3) Make criminals serve long prison terms by locking them in vacant facilities, with already on-the-payroll military personal as guards. The NAAWP does not advocate violence or bloodshed, but we will not run from it! The NAAWP advocates EDUCATION.
National Alliance - While most White Americans and Europeans have lost their racial and cultural moorings and have become mere rootless drifters in a cosmopolitan chaos, our members still know where they came from and what they're a part of. They have not succumbed to the poisonous barrage of egalitarian and "multicultural" propaganda from Hollywood, Washington, and New York.
The Screed - The Screed is an independent publication that discusses issues and events pertaining to the state of the Euro-American ethnic majority in the United States.....The Screed is not intended as an assault upon any particular group. It does not advocate offensive, violent, or provocative acts. It does not promote race-hate. We believe that Euro-Americans are entitled to the same considerations in questions of race, as are African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanic-Americans.
Stormfront - A resource for white nationalist.
White Pride Network - Whether you are an average citizen, White Power skinhead, Ku Klux Klansman, or an Aryan Nation member, this site offers an abundance of uncensored Pro-White information, entertainment, jokes, pictures, music and much more. The purpose of this domain is to offer material that is normally banned, censored and shunned from mainstream media outlets. Although my goal has never been to offend visitors, it is inevitable that some people will become upset by certain "White Power" content contained on this site.