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Home -> Political Science -> Political Theory -> Journals

Anarchist Studies - refereed journal concerned with all aspects of anarchist theory, history, and culture.
New Politics - independent, semi-annual, committed to the advancement of the peace and anti-intervention movements.
News and Letters - organization of Marxist-Humanists created so that the voices of revolt from below could be heard unseparated from the articulation of a philosophy of liberation.
Journal of Political Ideologies - dedicated to the analysis of political ideology both in its theoretical and
conceptual aspects, and with reference to the nature and roles of concrete ideological manifestations.
Political Theory - provides a forum for the diverse orientations in the study of political ideas: the history of political thought, modern theory, conceptual analysis and polemic argumentation.
Social Philosophy & Policy - an interdisciplinary journal with an emphasis on the philosophical underpinnings of enduring social policy. debates.
Theory & Event - chronicles creative political thought in the humanities and the social sciences.