Home -> Political Science -> Political Theory -> Socialism
From Marx to Mao - to provide
interested readers with access to the fundamental texts and documents from these two major
figures in this tradition
Fundacio Rafael Campalans - works on the
elaboration and diffusion of democratic socialist thought.
Socialism Reconsidered - aims to reassess the proposals of guild socialism in the
light of developments both in the economy and in economic theory over the past
seventy-five years. Advocates a kind of socialist economic organization that is
Confusions, & Conflicts Concerning Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism -
discussion of important issues of debate between socialists, communists, and their
Web Directory: Soman's Revolutionary
Socialist Page - started in the belief that the radical socialist movement is in need
of extended global communication and information exchange.
World Socialist - The WSM consists of
ordinary people who have organised themselves democratically with one objective; to bring
about a complete change in world society.
World Socialist Web Site - links, news, and more.