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Home > Candidates > Presidential > Parody Sites

Gore 2000 - Because a Zebra can't change it's spots.
Al Gore Jokes & Stuff
All Gore - Parody of the Al Gore 2000 Presidential election campaign site.
Play Doctor with Al Gore - Gore's Vision for the Future of Health Care.

Bush Lite: Parody with a Purpose - A look at George W. Bush, a pale, watered-down version of the palest, most watered-down occupant of the White House since Millard Fillmore.
Bush Watch -- Anti-Bush site.
Bush Watch - Critically-minded news, comments, and analysis about George W. Bush, and his presidential bid.
Georgy Bush - Parody song, as in "Hey there, Georgy Bush."
Not the Official Bush Campaign Headquarters - Does the work of watching and researching his every move for you.
George W. Bush 2000 - Critical information based on investigative research and news articles.

Go Pat Go? - Do you fit into Pat Buchanan's vision for America?
Pat Buchanan - Wolf in Pit Bull's Clothing 
Join the Buchanan Brigade! - Some select positions in the Buchanan camp. Humor!