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Arms Sale Monitor - reports and analyzes U.S. government policies on conventional arms exports and weapons proliferation.
Ballot Access News - non-partisan reporting on the continuing fight for fair and equitable ballot access laws in the USA
Big Sky Patriot - topics include government corruption, education, gun owners, the Second
Amendment, the militia movement, churches today, and the war on drugs.
Campaign Web Review - a biweekly newsletter examining the use of the Internet by political
campaigns in the 1998 elections.
Change Links News - newspaper/newsletter of progressive political, cultural, artistic and social
Exegesis - brings you the latest news and comment from Washington and around the world from a
Christian moral viewpoint.
Federalist, The - email journal of anecdotal rebuttal to contemporary political, social, and media
Last Ditch, The - offers Libertarian views on liberty and civility.
Raven's Call - official newsletter of Alaskans for Independence.
Second Thoughts - analytical newsletter based on the public record.