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Right to Die

American Medical Specialty Organizations - AMSO provides the specialty physician community with management services that facilitate the specialists' sophistication in the managed heath care marketplace. AMSO develops and organizes groups of specialists for the purpose of obtaining managed care contracts.
Children With AIDS Project - recruits families to adopt HIV children, AIDS Orphans and drug addicted infants and refer them to private homes and public adoption agencies around the United States.   
Childrens Partnership, America's Children & Health Care Reform - The Children's Partnership three strategies toward the goal of ensuring that every child in America has quality health coverage.
Health Administration Responsibility Project - HARP is a resource for patients, doctors, and attorneys seeking to establish the liability of Managed Health Care Organizations and Nursing
Facilities for the consequences of their decisions.
Health Policy Page - With the oldest of the babyboomers entering their golden years in just over a decade, and with the number of Medicare beneficiaries projected to double by 2030, the federal government clearly needs to address the program's long-term sustainability. But will efforts to extend Medicare's life radically change its purpose?
Health Policy Leadership - The Forum for State Health Policy Leadership has become the umbrella term for a growing array of projects both on specific issues and for selected groups.
Last Acts - Last Acts is a call-to-action campaign designed to improve care at the end of life. Our goals are to bring end-of-life issues out in the open and to help individuals and organizations pursue the search for better ways to care for the dying.
The Medicaid Clearing House - This site will educate, inform and activate those who have an interest in making the Medicaid program as effective as possible and protecting its critical benefits for the people who count on it.
National Conference of State Legislatures - Forum for State National Organization of Physicians Who Care - The PWC, Inc. is a nonprofit, anti-HMO organization which espouses the private practice of medicine.
White House's National Health Security Plan - President Clinton's solution for rising health care costs.