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Gun Rights Organizations

GunCite - a discussion of gun control and Second Amendment issues with analysis of firearms statistics, research, and policies.
Campaign For Concealed Carry For All Law Abiding Iowans - devoted to enlisting Iowa gun owners to lobby their legislators for a change to the existing law for concealed weapons.
Canada's Universal Directory of the Recreational Firearms Community - clubs, dealers, organizations, and anything relating to recreational firearms.
Firearm laws in Australia - Target shooter defends his sport in light of recent media attention and criticises the Australian Medical Association and some parts of the media, including 3AW.
Firearms & Liberty
Geoff's Firearms and Freedom Page - Information and resources for the pro-gun, pro-liberty citizen.
GunTruths - resource center about gunrights and responses to anti-gun propganda.
Jeff Chan's Firearms Archive - research, statistics, commentary, court cases, letters, legislation, and more.
Second Amendment Committee - protesting the abolishment of our states, this disarming of the nation and its citizens, plans to bring foreign soldiers to our nation, and the increase in socialism.
Second Amendment Law Library - collection of law review articles concerning the Second Amendment.
Second Amendment Stuff - Dedicated to the right to keep and bear arms.
Warning Shot - Liberty Activist Action of the Month.
Web Directory: International Firearms - links groups and individuals advocating the right to keep and bear arms worldwide.