Home > Issues > Animal Rights > Fur
Anti-Fur Campaign - World Animal Net
- End the use of animals for fur.
Boycott Macy's - Calls for a boycott of Macy's
East department stores for selling fur products.
Boycott Neiman Marcus - Call to boycott because of
the sale of fur.
Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade - Grassroots
organization dedicated to saving fur bearing animals and ending the fur trade.
Fur Free 2000 - Humane Society of the
United States campaign which is designed to bring about an end to the use of animal fur in
the new century.
Fur Is Dead - Shedding light on the fur industry.
Fur Kills - Anti-fur site from In Defense of
Animals. Provides a list of Fur Free Friday activities across the United States.
Fur-Free Friday - Offers general information
about anti-fur protests beginning on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Infurmation - Offers information and journal
articles on the international fur trade and its impact on animal welfare and conservation.
SkinnedPuppy.com - Investigation into the
allegation of selling coats trimmed with fur from dogs.