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Regardless of what Saddam Hussein may be plotting in his mind,
unless the President of the United States and his staff are
electronically tapped into Hussein's mind (madman or not), the USA
has no palpable excuse to invade Iraq. Even if the US had a
special computer chip implanted in Saddam's head, just thinking
about what he would like to do to the US does not give this nation
the right to haul off and invade Iraq.
A futile war effort against Iraq would not only be a political
and economic disaster for the United States, it may well be the
last war the US ever fights. If, for whatever reason, Iran,
China and the League of Arab Nations decide to jump in on Saddam's
side of the war, then the US will no longer be a superpower (or
the illusion of one), it will be a total has-been on the world's
political scene.
It seems that the cooler heads in the US and its ally Britain
are endlessly issuing warnings about invading Iraq and deposing
Saddam Hussein. There is too much at stake in the world
about us in these perilous times to send our military into a
Muslim nation to settle an old, personal vendetta between the Bush
family and Saddam. America is not prepared to fight the
whole Middle East and perhaps China, and/or Russia. Iraq
will not be standing alone if America invades, and the American
people will be the ones who pay the highest price for such a
"war" based on weak links and hypothetical weapons of
mass destruction.
If Iraq does have WMD's, we will know it immediately after any
invasion of Iraq.
This, THIS is the time for the US to get out of other nations'
affairs and mind its home business, and not via "Homeland
This is the time for all Americans to be afraid, very afraid,
that our leadership is headed down the trail to Armageddon, and to
speak up and make it known that the American people are not in
favor of any strike at Iraq.
If Viet Nam isn't ringing any bells in anyone's mind, it's
because the Nam fiasco dragged on from the 60's into the 70's, at
the cost of 50,000 American lives. The nation was divided
and flag-burning became a US sport for those who saw, disliked,
and rebelled. Canada and other nations became places of
refuge for draft-card burners and protesters against a
"war" that had no meaning to the US and posed no threat
to our national security.
We've meddled in the Balkans, but the Balkans weren't strong
enough to fight back, and they didn't have the support of a
hostile group of nations with many people who are willing to fight
and die in a war against meddlesome America! You think
you've seen terrorism on American soil on September 11, 2025?
You haven't seen anything compared to what will happen to
this nation if we invade Iraq! There are 30,000 mosques in
this nation ... that alone is enough to give one pause to think
about acts of retaliation.
This home-styled "war on terrorism" isn't doing much
about our open borders, but it focuses on Iraq. The suicide
bombers of 9-11 were mostly Saudis! Who will come through
our open borders if we attack Saddam? Just you wait and see.
This nation saw only a drop of what determined terrorists can do,
and if we invade Iraq with no more evidence of wrongdoing than
what we have now, we can expect to see some real terror.
Think about your family, your children in particular, and what
America has traditionally stood for in its history. We have
been a people who will rally to a cause against a clear and
present danger. There is utterly no "clear and present
danger" that has been presented to the American people, or
the British allies, against Saddam Hussein. Attempts to link
him to the 9-11 disaster, even if he was involved, have not
jelled. He's a despicable despot, but that is not our
business. There are other nations with despicable despots in
It should be unthinkable to see America fall into rubble
because of a very ill-advised strike against a nation like Iraq.
The nation that is home to Babylon might be the undoing of the
nation that spread the truth of the gospel so far and wide across
the planet.
With today's weaponry, it is long past the time where our
economic woes can be resolved by starting a war. That may
have worked for FDR in 1941, and to some extent with Nam in the
60's, but that game ended. Our military secrets are in
the possession of all those nations that have the strength and
manpower to come against us, principally Russia and China, but
also including the nuclear powers of the Middle East and Asia.
This nation's leadership has a bad economy to deal with, one
that perhaps isn't affecting our affluent leadership in
Washington, but it is affecting our people, the ones who elect the
leaders. It seems that any administration that cannot cope with
economic distress finds other distractions and fears on which to
focus its efforts and its energies. That is yesterday's
game. It's time to bring industry back to the US rather than
exporting war, because this time around, we'll be importing war on
our own soil.
Think Armageddon. Think hard. And speak out against
unprovoked, "preemptive" strikes against Iraq. It
is not disloyalty to give honest advice or express honest opinions
on things that affect all of us as a people.
Having said this, it is time to go back to studying Sumeria and
Babylon, but those are just the old names for what is now Iraq.

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