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his website: Warning
If you do an Internet search for
"oil reserves", you get a ton of information, much of it
announcements by various nations saying they have discovered vast
potential new fields of crude oil and are, not surprisingly, eager to
tap them. Then
why are being told that we have to cut back consumption? The answer is
political, not geological. The most casual look at the UN Kyoto
Climate Control Treaty reveals the economic devastation that would
occur if this and other industrialized nations were forced to cut back
to 1990 levels of energy use. It should come as
no surprise that Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, and other
environmental organizations are protesting the Clinton
administration’s "loopholes" that would virtually exempt
the US from the idiotic demands of the treaty’s final text; one that
the US Senate is on record saying it would never ratify. Economists
warn that, given the provisions of the treaty, gasoline prices would
rise significantly. Electricity costs would increase anywhere between
20 percent and 86 percent. The cost of natural gas would rise between
20 percent and 148 percent. This
is what Al Gore, advocates. In 1997, he flew to Japan during the
treaty’s creation to express his support for it. The Drudge Report
estimates his trip burned 439,500 gallons of fuel. Even if one were to
ignore the questions about his truthfulness, his environmental
dementia is such that, if he were elected, he would initiate a
worldwide economic Depression. Globally,
we need more energy, not less.
The good news is, if you factor in coal as the primary source of the
generation of electricity, you’re actually looking at not just
hundreds, but thousands of years of electrical power. Coal is so
abundant it is measured in the thousands of years of use. Abundant
electrical power will free Third World nations from their poverty. It
will benefit the lives of millions who are denuding the forests of
their nations for fuel to cook dinner! But
we’re told we’re running out of oil. Not true!
In 1973, an oil field
was discovered off the coast of Louisiana in a deep area of the Gulf
of Mexico. By 1989, oil production had trickled down to a daily output
of only 4,000 barrels. Then, to the surprise and delight of the
PennzEnergy Company, the Eugene Island field began to pump 13,000
barrels a day. Geologists tested the new crude and discovered it was a
completely different geological age than the original oil of ten years
earlier! Now petroleum
scientists are beginning to believe there is a whole new oil supply
streaming from a vast source many miles below the surface of the
Earth. The ramifications of this are obvious. There
is a lot of oil as yet undiscovered and untapped. This phenomenon
explains why Middle East oil reserves doubled since the 1980’s,
currently estimated to be about two thirds of a trillion barrels. In
his book, "The Deep Hot Biosphere", Cornell University
professor emeritus, Thomas Gold, documents his theory that oil is
manufactured deep in the earth under extreme pressure and heat. As it
interacts with bacteria, it oozes up to the surface, appearing to be
prehistoric, but actually "new" in geological terms. This
challenges the theory that we are dependent on the decomposition of
dinosaurs (fossil fuels) that has been the accepted wisdom. Oil may
well come from another source than buried biomass. The latest
figures I could secure sets the "proven crude oil reserves"
of the Middle East at about 686.4 thousand million barrels. Saudi
Arabia sits on top of 26l.5 thousand million. Kuwait has 112.5
thousand million. The estimates of the untapped crude in Alaska are
set at about 16 billion barrels. The area involved is one tenth of one
percent of the entire area of the State! Are you really so worried
about some caribou, grizzly bears, and rabbits that you aren’t
willing to tap into a tiny part of that State? On a Royal
Dutch/Shell Group floating platform a hundred miles off the coast of
Louisiana where oil production wasn’t even feasible a few years ago,
there are estimates of 100 billion barrels of untapped crude oil. At
this point, 40 billion barrels have already been discovered in deep
waters worldwide from West Africa to Brazil to the Gulf of Mexico. In
the Gulf of Mexico alone, production could rise at as much as 1.8
million barrels a day by 2001. This is double the 1995 level and
roughly equal to the daily output of Kuwait. So,
do you still think we’re running out of oil?
The simple arithmetic of oil production is that we keep finding more
and more of it. The late economist, Julian Simon, predicted this in
his book, The Resourceful Earth, written with Herman Kahn as a
response to the lies of the Greens who have foisted the global warming
hoax on us. Their objective is to reverse the advances of technology
and life enhancing innovations that have marked the end of the last
century and will continue into this new century IF we don’t fall
victim to their lies. The
driving force behind these lies are the many environmental groups like
the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund and others who
specialize in selling you calendars of cuddly animals and beautiful
mountains. They are afforded an umbrella by the United Nations whose
bogus environmental program exists to attack capitalist nations that
are currently destroying the biggest economic lie of all, that
socialism works. It doesn’t. Proof of this
exists in the headlines of the past decade. The citizens of formerly
socialist/communist nations are bringing down these governments. They
are rebelling against Big Brother. It just happened in Yugoslavia. It
began when the people of Poland threw off the grip of the Soviet
communists. That led to the Soviet meltdown. Now in socialist England
and other European nations, truckers and drivers literally bring their
nations to a stop as they protest the high taxes imposed on gasoline
and oil. What are they saying? Let the marketplace determine price,
not governments. Let’s begin, right now, to begin extracting the
vast, know reserves the United States has in Alaska and offshore.
Let’s reduce our insane dependency on Middle East oil. My friend, Robert
L. Bradley, Jr. is a great exponent of Julian Simon’s views, having
picked up the torch when the economist passed on in 1998. His new
book, "Julian Simon and the Triumph of Energy
Sustainability" ($15, Institute for Energy Research, 6219
Olympia, Houston, TX 77057) puts the skids to all the crisis talk and
lies the Greens have told you about "sustainability." That
is a Green code word for shutting down any progress toward providing
even more abundant (and needed) energy for a world that is being
brought together by the Internet and other means of communication and
transportation. "All
environmental indicators concerning the use of hydrocarbons—whether
they involve land use, spillage, wastage or combustion—are
demonstrating positive trends and in many cases exceeding
expectations," says Bradley. "Consumers are embracing
multiple new uses of energy in transportation and stationary markets.
Risk management opportunities and mass customization of energy
products are multiplying. Safety and productivity are improving
throughout these industries. All these trends appear to be
open-ended." That’s
how the prospects for more oil stand now, open-ended. We are going to
find even more oil in this decade and beyond. We are likely to
confirm the theory that billions of barrels exist, waiting to ooze up
to the surface where it can be accessed for future generations. © Warning SIgns, 2000
View expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Political USA.