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Home -> Issues -> Death Penalty -> Anti Death Penalty -> Anti Death Penalty Organizations

Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty - The CCADP is a not for profit international organization based in Canada. Provide assistance and support to death row inmates, their families, and the families of victims.  Currently the CCADP is engaged in providing pen-pal requests for inmates, as well as being involved with starting the 'Justice for Jimmy' campaign and initiating the international tourist boycott of Texas for their human rights abuses.
Catholics Against Capital Punishment - As the name implies, this is a national advocacy organization working for the abolition of the death penalty in the U.S.
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty - This organization works to end the death penalty in the United States through aggressive campaigns of public education and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Death Penalty Focus of California - "We believe that the death penalty is an ineffective and brutally simplistic response to the serious and complex problem of violent crime. Membership is open to all concerned individuals."
Equal Justice USA - Through education and mobilization, the project seeks to expand public opposition to the death penalty, as well as bring into clear focus the racial, economic and political biases active in U.S. courts, prisons, jails and policing agencies.
The Justice Project - Every day we learn more about innocent men and women spending years on death row for crimes they did not commit. The criminal justice system in which we’ve placed our faith is broken.
Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation - "Evidence shows that it does not deter killing. It is much more expensive than alternative sentences, draining money from education, health care, prevention of domestic abuse, child abuse and substance abuse, and other needed programs. The risk of executing the innocent is ever present."
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty - NCADP advocates for public policy and mobilizes and supports people and institutions that share our unconditional rejection of the state's use of homocide as an instrument of social policy.
Ohioans To Stop Executions