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Home > Int'l Relations > Organizations

Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) - consortium of graduate institutions that train their students for international leadership and service.
Coalition for American Leadership Abroad - a coalition of 35 organizations seeking to promote awareness about foreign affairs, and support for American engagement abroad around the country.
Global Interdependence Center - dedicated to the expansion of global trade and finance within a free trade environment and the development of well-reasoned policy analysis on critical economic issues.
International Friendship League - promoting the exchange of information concerning cultural, political, economic, educational and social affairs. Encouraging correspondence with penfriends abroad.
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) - The IPU is the world organization of parliaments of sovereign States.  The Union is the focal point for world-wide parliamentary dialogue and works for peace and co-operation among peoples and for the firm establishment of representative democracy.
Trilateral Commission - formed by private citizens of Europe, Japan and North America to help think through common challenges and leadership responsibilities in the wider world.
Worldaware - to increase understanding of the economic and social problems that face the world, the interdependence of developing and industrialized countries, and the urgent need for co-operation between nations to ensure sustainable development.