If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

Polling Report
ABCNews Polls
Gallup Poll
CBS News Polls

New Jersey

Home: Services: Campaign Software
- AdTrack's SmartVote Election Campaign Management
- Election Campaign Management tool helping target and contact voters. Provides an integrated online voter database and PDA software along with services such as: contact center, broadcast email, direct mail, printing and warehousing.
- Aristotle International
- America's premier supplier of high performance information systems to elected officials, political candidates and PAC's. Including internet campaign fundraising.
- Campaign Optimizer
- A campaign management and financial reporting software focused on the management and reporting needs of either the individual candidate or the multi-campaign needs of campaign management firms.
- Campaign ToolBox
- The most widely-used political campaign finance reporting software in Florida since 1996, and is available for Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.
- CompleteCampaigns.com
- Web-based software for political campaign management. Includes tools for fundraising, accounting, government compliance reporting, budgeting, managing volunteers, tracking voters and building your website.
- Count Me In
- Its easy and inexpensive to use the Count Me In Website for online donations, volunteer registrations and event management.
- Easy Campaigns
- Campaign Management Software that tracks voter identification and visully displays results via geocoded data.
- Fans Software
- The best political fundraising software you can find today. With FANS you will have everything you need to run a successful campaign.
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