Godless: The Church of Liberalism
by Ann Coulter

Inconvenient Truth
by Al Gore

Do As I
Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy
by Peter Schweizer

Reagan's Children:
Taking Back the City on the Hill
by Hans Zeiger

The Politically Incorrect Guide to
by Tom Bethell
The Winning Message (e-book)
by Adam F. Simon

Polling Report
ABCNews Polls
Gallup Poll
CBS News Polls

New Jersey

Home: Organizations: Seniors
- 60 Plus Association
- Non-partisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to seniors issues.
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
- Everything you ever wanted to know about AARP including information on Modern Maturity and the Bulletin; events in your community; advocacy; press releases; AARP programs; and frequently asked questions about the organization.
- The National Council on Aging
- Network of organizations dedicated to improving the health and independence of older persons; increasing their continuing contributions to communities, society and future generations; and building caring communities.
- United Seniors Association, Inc.
- Leading conservative seniors organization working to ensure retirement security for all Americans. USA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, public interest organization dedicated to educating and informing senior citizens about Social Security, Medicare, taxes, and other issues related to traditional values, national security, and economic prosperity.
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Lies, and Downright Stupidity : Get Out the Shovel--Why Everything You Know is
by John Stossel

Armed Madhouse : Who's
Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats, Bush Sinks, The Scheme to Steal '08,No
Child's Behind Left, and Other Dispatches from the Front Lines
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Condi vs. Hillary : The Next Great Presidential
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