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If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

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Home: Organizations: Patriotic


  • American Flag Society - A non-profit organization dedicated to re-educating the public about respect and proper decorum regarding the American Flag. Activities include the distributing of flyers at parades, etc.
  • Foundation for a Patriotic America - A non-partisan organization demonstrating the need for patriotism in the greatest country in the world! Featuring spin-free and unbiased features and articles, a politics forum, and more.
  • Good ThingsTo say About The USA - Dedicated to soliciting and collecting comments from ordrinary people on what makes America great. Eventually, they will be published in a book called Good Things To Say About The USA
  • Ohio Home Guard - We train members in skills such as repelling, river crossing, firearms safety, firearms markmanship, civil defense, survival, disaster preparedness, NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) threats.

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For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary Clinton: The White House Years
by Sally Bedell Smith

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
by Naomi Klein

Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War That Is Destroying America
by Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel

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