If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

Polling Report
ABCNews Polls
Gallup Poll
CBS News Polls

New Jersey

Home: Organizations: Conservative
- American Flag Society
- The American Flag Society is an organization dedicated to restoring respect to the Flag of the United States.
- American Sons of Liberty
- Dedicated to promoting the history of America's foundation, and revealing the current events that are threatening our Liberty. Includes news, history/education, Conservative resources, including an all new bookstore, and a public opinion forum.
- Black America's Political Action Committee
- We affirm the traditional values that have served the Black American community so well in the past�reverence for God and country, and a belief in the sacredness of all human life. We are committed to excellence in education, less government intrusion in our lives, and an agenda for economic self-empowerment.
- Club for Growth
- The mission of the Club for Growth is to help support political candidates who are advocates of the Reagan vision of limited government and lower taxes. The Club is primarily dedicated to helping elect pro-growth, pro-freedom candidates through political contributions and issue advocacy campaigns.
- Conservative Punk
- Created to educate, inform and increase the little known demographic of the Conservative Punk.
- Eagle Forum
- Leading the pro-family movement since 1972. Focuses on education and globalism.
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