If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be
by Ann Coulter

The Assault on Reason
by Al Gore

I Am America (And So Can You!)
by Stephen Colbert

Power to the People
by Laura Ingraham

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New Jersey

Home: Organizations: Affirmative Action
- American Indian Movement
- AIM is the catalyst for Indian Sovereignty. They intend to raise questions in the minds of all, questions that have gone to sleep in the minds of Indians and non-Indian alike.
- Black America's Political Action Committee
- We affirm the traditional values that have served the Black American community so well in the past—reverence for God and country, and a belief in the sacredness of all human life. We are committed to excellence in education, less government intrusion in our lives, and an agenda for economic self-empowerment.
- Mexican American Legal and Defense Fund
- National nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect and promote the civil rights of the more than 29 million Latinos living in the United States.
- To ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of the United States. The NAACP is committed to achievement through non-violence and relies upon the press, the petition, the ballot and the courts, and is persistent in the use of legal and moral persuasion even in the face of overt and violent racial hostility.
- National Council of La Raza
- A private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans.
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