Godless: The Church of Liberalism
by Ann Coulter

Inconvenient Truth
by Al Gore

Do As I
Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy
by Peter Schweizer

Reagan's Children:
Taking Back the City on the Hill
by Hans Zeiger

The Politically Incorrect Guide to
by Tom Bethell
The Winning Message (e-book)
by Adam F. Simon

Polling Report
ABCNews Polls
Gallup Poll
CBS News Polls

New Jersey

Home: Activism: Activist Groups: Page 2
- National Federation of Republican Women
- NFRW is the largest women's political party organization in the nation. The organization advocates crucial issues to positively impact our nation, strengthens our Republican Party through recruiting and electing candidates, and empowers women of all ages and diversity in the political process.
- PoliticalFire
- Information provider for the grassroots activist. From simple voter registration to sophisticated advertising campaigns; whether local, state, regional or national candidates and issues; the site has been designed to help individual citizens exercise the kind of poltical activity and degree of involvement they desire.
- Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
- The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition is a civil rights organization that focuses on social justice, economic inclusion and political participation.
- The American Policy Center
- Grassroots action and education foundation dedicated to the promotion of free enterprise and limited government regulations over commerce and individuals.
- The Irish Freedom Committee
- Nation-Wide, U.S.-Based, registered Not-For-Profit organization devoted to education on the root causes of the war with Britain, and the support of Irish political prisoners imprisoned as a result of British military occupation of Ireland.
- World Advocacy
- Worldadvocacy.com is the world's premier list of advocacy groups.
- Young America's Foundation
- Bringing alternatives to the prevailing leftist campus political atmosphere by
sponsoring speakers and other programs.
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