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The Political Bookstore 
World Politics
The Political Bookstore spans the world (or at least the world wide
web) in finding books that give us a sense of history but also are relevant to the
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The Sword and the Shield
Shocking information
from a KGB defector |
Disclosures from The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the
Secret History of the KGB, based on a secret archive of top-KGB documents smuggled out of
the Soviet Union, are sure to make the front pages of newspapers throughout the West.
According to the FBI, this archive is "the most complete and extensive intelligence
ever received from any source." Its presence in the West represents a catastrophic
hemorrhage of the KGB's secrets and reveals for the first time the full extent of its
worldwide network. |

The Lexus and the Olive Tree
by Thomas L. Friedman List Price: $27.50
Our Price: $19.25
You Save: $8.25
Also available in
paperback |
One day in 1992, Thomas Friedman toured a Lexus factory in Japan
and marveled at the robots that put the luxury cars together. That evening, as he ate
sushi on a Japanese bullet train, he read a story about yet another Middle East squabble
between Palestinians and Israelis. And it hit him: Half the world was lusting after those
Lexuses, or at least the brilliant technology that made them possible, and the other half
was fighting over who owned which olive tree.
Friedman, the well-traveled New York Times foreign - affairs columnist, peppers The Lexus
and the Olive Tree with stories that illustrate his central theme: that globalization --
the Lexus -- is the central organizing principle of the post-cold war world, even though
many individuals and nations resist by holding onto what has traditionally mattered to
them--the olive tree.
Problem is, few of us understand what exactly globalization means. As Friedman sees it,
the concept, at first glance, is all about American hegemony, about Disneyfication of all
corners of the earth. But the reality, thank goodness, is far more complex than that,
involving international relations, global markets, and the rise of the power of
individuals (Bill Gates, Osama Bin Laden) relative to the power of nations.
No one knows how all this will shake out, but The Lexus and the Olive Tree is as good an
overview of this sometimes brave, sometimes fearful new world as you'll find. --Lou
Schuler |
George Bush's presidency occurred during such a event-packed
era for international affairs that he limits A World Transformed to the first two years of
his term, marked by the massacre at Tiananmen Square, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the Persian Gulf War. List
Price: $30.00
Our Price: $21.00
You Save: $9.00 (30%) |
 A World
by George Bush &
Brent Scowcroft |
of Illusion: The World Bank and the Poverty of Nations
by Catherine Caufield
List Price: $27.50
Our Price: $19.25
You Save: $8.25 (30%) |
 Globalization and Its Discontents
by Saskia Sassen
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $17.50
You Save: $7.50 (30%) |
 The Road to Hell:
The Ravaging
Effects of Foreign
Aid and International Charity
by Michael Maren
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $17.50
You Save: $7.50 (30%) |
Before you mail another check to Save the Children or
join the Peace Corps, read this book.
Michael Maren shows that the international aid industry is a big business more concerned
with winning its next big government contract than helping needy people. The problem isn't
a lack of
charity missions in the Third World, but that the best intentions of these idealists are
often inadvertently destructive, thanks to a deadly combination of their naivet� and the
willingness of native elites to exploit them. Maren spent many years in Africa living this
life. This is a splendid,
literate, muckraking memoir of his experiences. |
The New York Times Book Review, John Lewis
Gaddis: ...Kissinger has produced the memoirist's equivalent of a battleship, intimidating
in appearance, heavy with armor and bristling with armaments, equipped to fire salvos at
past critics while launching pre - emptive strikes against histories as yet unwritten. It
is, by any standard, a remarkable
achievement. List Price: $35.00
Our Price: $24.50
You Save: $10.50 (30%) |
 Years of Renewal
by Henry Kissinger
 Chile, the Great Transformation
by Javier Martinez Bengoa, et al |
Two Chilean scholars and activists cut through the
rhetoric surrounding "the Chilean miracle" and provide an integrated analysis of
the process of socioeconomic and political change that transformed their country between
1970 and 1990. List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.96
You Save: $2.99 (20%) |
In a collection of colloquies over seventeen years,
Vyacheslav M. Molotov recounts his comradeship with Lenin, his role in the November coup,
his time as premier under Stalin and as negotiator of the Nazi-Soviet pact, and his
demotion under Khrushchev.
Inside Kremlin Politics
by Felix Chuev
(Editor) |
 The Politics of China:
The Eras of Mao and
by Roderick MacFarquhar (Editor) |
Bringing together substantial essays by leading
scholars, this volume offers a comp- rehensive introduction to and analysis of the
politics of the People's Republic of China from 1949 to the mid-1990s. The last two
chapters have been written specifically for the paperback volume. Richard Baum's chapter
covers the events of the 1980s, and Joseph Fewsmith's concluding essay extends the second
edition's coverage into the 1990s. |
The New York Times Book Review, Max Frankel -
Burr succinctly summarizes Kissinger's cagey but admiring pursuit of cooperation with the
and his earnest but mistrustful search for agreements with the Soviets. He provides much
needed context for the encounters recorded here at the peak of Nixon's power
and in the tense years after his Watergate collapse. He also explains how much material is
still secret and what can be usefully gleaned from other sources. |
 Kissinger Transcripts:
The Top Secret Talks With Beijing &
by William Burr |
 The Coming Conflict With China
by Richard Bernstein & Ross H. Munro |
A timely study of the growing friction between the
United States and China examines the causes of increasing tensions - such as China's human
rights violations and political ambitions--and discusses ways in which strategists are
preparing for future conflicts. |
Postcolonial Theory is a critical introduction to the
burgeoning field of postcolonial studies. Leela Gandhi is the first to clearly map out
this field in terms of its wider philosophical and intellectual context, drawing important
connections between postcolonial theory and poststructuralism,
postmodernism, marxism and feminism. |
Theory: A Critical Introduction
by Leela Gandhi |
 Peace to End
All Peace:
Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922
by David Fromkin |
This definitive, fascinating account of the creation
of the modern Middle East is panoramic, absorbing, highly readable and richly detailed.
Depicting the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and the formation of the states known
collectively as the Middle East, Fromkin's descriptions involve some of the most
fascinating figures of the 20th century. Chosen as a New York Times Book Review Editor's
Choice Best Book of 1989. |
First published in 1989, just before the Gulf War
broke out, REPUBLIC OF FEAR was the only book that explained the motives of the Saddam
Hussein regime in invading and annexing Kuwait. This updated edition relates how the Arab
Ba'th Socialist Party has transformed and controlled Iraq with fear since 1968. An
important and timely book. |
 Republic of Fear : The Politics of Modern Iraq
by Kanan Makiya |
 The Ends of
the Earth :
From Togo to Turkmenistan,
from Iran to
Cambodia, a Journey to the Frontiers of Anarchy
by Robert Kaplan |
"The future here could be sadder than the
present," writes Robert Kaplan in a chapter about the African nation of Sierra Leone.
The same could be said of virtually the entire Third World, which he spends the bulk of
this book visiting and describing. Kaplan, author of Balkan Ghosts, is congenitally
pessimistic about the developmental prospects of West Africa, the Nile Valley, and much of
Asia. This traveler's tale offers dire warnings about over- population, environ- mental
degradation, and social chaos. We should all hope that Kaplan's forecast is wrong, but we
ignore him at our peril. |
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