The Toleration of Evil
By Jack Wheeler
[email protected]

It is impossible for the ordinary human mind to fully grasp the evil of Joseph Stalin.  He purposefully engineered the starving to death of over ten million people in Ukraine.  In terms of mass murder, Stalin’s Ukrainian Holocaust was an even greater crime than Hitler’s Jewish Holocaust. 

Millions more were hauled off to be enslaved and die in the Gulag, or tortured and shot for the slightest suspicion of anything Stalin was suspicious of.  Many of his closest deputies were ordered to put their parents, wives, or children to death to prove their loyalty. 

Yet this tyranny, this monstrous evil, is not a mystery.  Evil exists, deeply embedded in certain human souls.  That isn’t mysterious;  it is a basic fact of  human society.  The true mystery is why and how such is evil is tolerated.  Stalin tyrannized the Soviet Union for thirty years.  In all those years, there is not one single known attempt on his life.  Not one. 

Which then, is the greater depravity:  Stalin killing people, or no one killing him?  The former, of course.  Evil itself is the greater evil – but toleration of it is the greater mystery.

It has been blindingly obvious for years now that Robert Mugabe is a pathologically evil man.  He has systematically been destroying the rights, freedom, and livelihood of people in Zimbabwe.  He will commit any crime he considers necessary to maintain his power.  Anyone who had the slightest hope that he would allow an election with the barest semblance of fairness and honesty exhibits naïveté of Olympian magnitude. 

Zimbabwe is dying as a country.  Its people face dying of actual starvation.  Its white population doesn’t stand a chance of keeping their property and indeed their very lives as long as Mugabe lives.  Yet Mugabe’s existence is no mystery.  The history of Africa is riddled with such loathsome leaders.  The mystery is why no one in all these years hasn’t realized there was no hope for Zimbabwe as long as Mugabe lived, and put an end to his life.

It is only the toleration of evil that enables evil to continue to exist.  It is not immoral to extinguish such evil as Joseph Stalin or Robert Mugabe.  It is immoral not to.  Mass murderers, tyrants and terrorists, have forfeited by their crimes their claim to life.  If Osama bin Laden should be hunted down and shot on sight, so then should Robert Mugabe.  So then should Saddam Hussein.  So then should Yasser Arafat.

No people on earth have had evil directed at them more than Jews.  No people should be more intolerant of this evil than Israelis.  Yet they keep tolerating it.  They keep acting and hoping and wishfully thinking towards Yasser Arafat as Zimbabwe’s white farmers do towards Robert Mugabe.

The toleration of the evil of Palestinian Nazism is the cause of Israel’s travails.  Arafat is an Arab Nazi.  He inherited the leadership of the PLO from his mentor and uncle, Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who formed an alliance with Adolph Hitler.  (At a meeting with Hitler in Berlin on November 21, 1941, al-Husseini convinced Hitler a better “solution” for the Jews would be to kill them in death camps rather than expel them from Europe).  You don’t negotiate with Nazis, because you can’t.  Their entire purpose in life is to kill those they hate.  The Reverse Golden Rule must apply:  Do unto them before they do unto you.

The United States is not trying to find Osama bin Laden to negotiate a peace settlement with him.  It is trying to find him in order to kill him.  There is no more chance of peace between Yasser Arafat, the Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, et al, and Israel, than there is between Al Qaeda and America.  Both are duels to the death. 

Al Qaeda’s September 11 attack enabled America to acquire the resolve for this duel.  What will it take for Israel to acquire a similar resolve?  How many more slaughters of babies, of children, of mothers, of innocents is necessary?  It’s not like Palestinian Terrorism started recently with their so-called “intifada.”  It has been going on for decades.  When will Israel stop its toleration of evil?

For once it does, the path to real peace becomes clear.  The path has the following steps:

1. Annex the West Bank.  The West Bank is no more “Israeli-occupied Palestine” than Kuwait is “Kuwaiti-occupied Iraq.”  Jordan invaded Israel in 1948 and occupied a large area of the country.  In 1967, Israel recaptured its own land.  This entire area of Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank, should now and finally be formally annexed as fully part of the sovereign territory of Israel.

2. Either put a bullet in Arafat’s brain, or expel him together with the entire Palestinian Authority from the West Bank.  No commentary needed.  Just do it.  One or the other.

3. Make Gaza the Palestinian State.  Abandon the Israeli settlements in Gaza, have its inhabitants move back to Israel, give full sovereignty to Gaza as a Palestinian nation.  Terrorist attacks launched from Gaza would be considered acts of war by one state upon another.

4. Give West Bank Palestinians a choice.  Either they emigrate to Gaza (or other country), or they apply for Israeli citizenship.  Such an application must include a written affirmation that they recognize the legitimate existence of the State of Israel, and will act to uphold its laws and sovereignty.  Those who do not sign under oath such an affirmation should be expelled from Israel, including the now-annexed West Bank.

5. Target Mecca.  The only way to force the Arab world to accept the existence of Israel is to give it no hope that Israel will be defeated and vanish.  The only way to accomplish this is to hold Mecca as a nuclear hostage. 

Egypt is already in a similar position, which is why the largest Arab nation has been neutered in the Arab struggle against the “Zionist enemy.”  Egypt knows its defeat of Israel is impossible, because the Aswan Dam is targeted by Israeli nukes.  Should Egypt ever be so insanely foolish as to again attempt militarily conquering Israel, before such an attempt could reach success, Aswan would suffer a nuclear hit, and the entire Nile River Valley below would be under twenty feet of water.

As Aswan is Egypt’s Sword of Damocles, so Mecca should be the Damoclean Sword for the whole Arab world. 

The clear message of Israel should be:  “We are not going away.  We are not going to be defeated.  You must come to grips with and accept the fact of our sovereign existence.  To make this crystal clear, we have targeted nuclear missiles at the Holy City of Mecca.  We hope and pray we will never have to use them, just as Americans hoped and prayed during the Cold War they would never have to use their nuclear missiles aimed at Moscow.  They serve as an ultimate deterrent – for you to understand that victory over us is an impossibility.”

Such a message should of course be a completely private one, and fiercely denied publicly, just like targeting Aswan – or the very existence of Israeli nukes in the first place.

Lastly and most important is the step that undergirds all the others:

6. No more toleration of evil.  No more negotiation of any kind with Arafat, or any Palestinian who does not recognize the legitimate sovereignty of Israel.  No diplomatic relations with the government of an independent Gaza unless it is democratically elected. 

No more toleration of French anti-Semitism.  Sever diplomatic relations with France and resume them only after Daniel Bernard, France’s Ambassador to England who denounced Israel as a “shitty little country,” is removed from any position in the French government. 

No more toleration of equivalences.  At every turn, it seems, from the cover of the London Economist, to the editorials of the New York Times, to countless media outlets in Europe, there is an attempt to make the actions of Palestinian Nazis and those of Israel defending against them morally equivalent.  Attempts to muzzle or control the media are non-starters.  But at every opportunity, such equivalence should be unrelentingly denounced.

And here is where to begin with all of this:  No more Arabs in Jerusalem.  Every Palestinian suicide bomber story starts with:  “An Arab got on a bus in Jerusalem and…”, or “An Arab on a busy street in Jerusalem…”  The solution to stopping suicide terror in Jerusalem is obvious:  expel the Arabs from the city. 

No Arab should be allowed on a bus in Jerusalem.  No Arab should be allowed to walk on a street in Jerusalem.  No Arab should be allowed within miles of any bar-mitzvah, wedding, or other gathering in Jerusalem.  No Arabs should be allowed in Jerusalem at all without a permit to do so, such as to operate his business or visit Al Aqsa on the Temple Mount. 

Start this with West Jerusalem, and extend it through East Jerusalem if necessary.  Palestinians must be made to accept Israel’s existence and that Israel will take whatever measures required to preserve it.

These measures must include no longer caring about world opinion.  Israel should no longer be concerned with the opinions of those who tolerate evil.  It should only be concerned with this unalterable fact:  If evil is tolerated, evil thrives. 

It is time the world recognizes Palestinian Terrorism as a form, indeed the heir, of, Nazism.  It is time Israel demanded that the toleration of such evil no longer be acceptable by civilized societies.  It is time for human garbage such as Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein, and Yasser Arafat be disposed of along with Osama bin Laden.   Peace, prosperity, and civilization itself, can be achieved only by the refusal to tolerate the evil such men embody.

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