Recently, I’ve embarked on a quest to read the Federalist
Papers, all 85 of them. About a year ago, I determined that I’d
been shammed by high school and sadly, college curriculums that
did not require me to read Madison, Jay and Hamilton’s
brilliant defense of our very revolutionary founding document.
Certainly, my high school government teacher and my many
collegiate political science profs dabbled in the works of
Publius, but the occasions were rare, and selected excerpts
usually served only to buffer the instructor’s very liberal
For the longest time I remained naïve of the importance of
this work. My professors didn’t stress the Papers, as I
mentioned earlier, and I was content with reading more
contemporary, ostensibly more applicable works from today’s
academia. For the moment, my inherent conservatism had little
anchorage; I wasn’t well versed in either the Constitution or
the Federalist Papers and consequently I wasn’t able to rebut
many of the big government arguments offered in class. For sure,
authors that attempted to justify government’s expansion into
every part of every Americans’ lives, and claim the supposed
solidarity of this notion with the ideals of the Papers, struck
me as leftist puppets. But I couldn’t provide an adequate
defense (beyond my own experience and philosophy) of
limited government to counteract what I knew to be mindless
drivel. So while the vast majority of my fellow co-eds were
seduced by the lies, I decided to delve into the Constitution
and the Federalist Papers and see for myself if Publius intended
to construct a gigantic federal leviathan or rather if he
advocated a very limited national government of, for and by the
A great many months have passed since I set about this task
of reading the Founding Document and Federalist Papers, and
though having completed the former, I just commenced to read the
latter. The first 16 servings of the Papers have
confirmed my suspicions about the questionable assertions of
today’s academia: The purveyors of the intrusive state are
dead wrong! My conservatism has been strengthened and confirmed,
and I’ve yet to read a fourth of the Papers!
One of the many illusions proffered by contemporary political
experts revolves around our great Republic being purposed as a
democracy. Indeed, democrats are fond of crying
"democracy!" when it suits their agenda, but Publius
wanted nothing to do with it. As John Jay says in Federalist #1,
"I propose, in a series of papers, to discuss the following
interesting particulars: …The conformity of the proposed
Constitution to the true principles of republican
Jay, Hamilton and Madison recognized the superiority of
republican government as opposed to the impracticality of a
democracy. In Federalist #10, Madison considers the two regime
types as far as their ability to control factions. The inability
of the Articles of Confederation to quell anything, provided the
impetus for this brilliance from Madison that exposes democracy
for the utopian nonsense that it really is.
"…a pure democracy, by which I mean a society
consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and
administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for
the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will, in
almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole; a
communication and concert results from the form of government
itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to
sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it
is such that democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence
and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal
security or the rights of property; and have in general been as
short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
Theoretic politicians, who have patronized their species of
government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind
to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would at
the same time be perfectly equalized in their possessions, their
opinions and their passions."
Madison’s probing introspection into the fatal flaw of
democracy leaves little to argue. Further, his grasp of human
nature and the natural progression of the unfettered masses to
infringe on the freedom of persons and upon private property
have been vindicated time and again in just the last 8 years.
Conversely, a republic "opens a different prospect and
promises the cure for which we are seeking." Madison saw
the Union of the states as being facilitated best by a
republican government. He contends that a republic "refines
and enlarges the public views by passing them through the medium
of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the
true interest of their country and whose patriotism and love of
justice we be at least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or
partial considerations." Instead of being governed by the
whims of ignorant masses potentially led astray by a smooth
talking demagogue, the best and brightest citizens are able to
best represent the people by filtering issues and deliberating
complex matters to arrive at an informed and reasoned
conclusion. Democracy simply doesn’t allow for this.
For practical reasons, a democracy is unable to reign in
large numbers of citizens from a great extent of territory, to
go about the business of government. To gather together the
citizenry to a regional locale, not to mention a single national
seat, is virtually impossible. Unless a state is small, or
unless we’re talking about a locality within a state
practicing its own democracy, such a political philosophy is
unfeasible. Even in today’s age, computers are not dispersed
widely enough to nurture democratic voting, and even allowing
that they were, the probable fraudulence of such a system
renders the scheme unmanageable. Madison simplified the problem
in Federalist #14:
"It is that in a democracy the people meet and exercise
the government in person; in a republic they assemble and
administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy,
consequently must be confined to a small spot. A Republic…over
a large region."
Publius understood, as well, the natural degeneracy of human
beings. Madison in Federalist #10, correctly points out
"the latent causes of faction are thus sown in the
nature of man." He continues, "So strong is this
propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities that where
no substantial occasion presents itself the most frivolous and
fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to…excite their
most violent conflicts." What liberals fail to realize is
that man is fallible, and that a pure democracy would only
amplify this inherent sinfulness to an out-of-control level. The
Founders understood that a Republic was the best regime type to
corral wayward masses and subsequently give people the best
opportunity to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Taking the limitedness of man’s ability to establish just
government, Federalist #14 deals with the idea taken to its
conclusion, which is that "the general government"
instituted by fallacious men can not and should not be expected
nor compelled to be "charged with the whole power of making
and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain
enumerated objects…." Madison recognized that a government
is only as noble or just as the public officials comprising it;
nothing more, and often times much less can be expected.
And so the leftist visions of a utopian American democracy
can be debunked with a simple reading of the first 15 or so
offerings of the Federalist Papers. The reasoned arguments put
forth by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison provide
ample ammunition for conservatives and/or libertarians in the
battle with leftists over the intentions of our Founders. Every
freedom lover and constitutionalist needs to grab a copy and
proceed to prepare a ready defense against the leftist

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